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I cant believe anyone would by invaders
Posts: 655
Karma: 11
I skiied these things yesterday and they are complete shit. they feel like it you lean back you will fall right on your ass. they are super unstable at highspeeds, and when I nosepressed over a roller I heard a large crack in the ski. The graphics are ill but unless you a featherweight these skis suck.
Posts: 2100
Karma: 23
i can't believe you can't spell "buy"
Posts: 655
Karma: 11
fuck. well this thread is ruined.
Posts: 2171
Karma: 17
I weight 190 and bomb hills and still hold edge, I have no clue what you are talking about.
Posts: 21048
Karma: 5,062
that's exactly what i was going to say, hahaha.
Posts: 3023
Karma: 21
another fake review!!!! the ski rocks... and hey no press is bad press!
Posts: 2683
Karma: 12
i weigh 120 lbs. and they are perfectly fine for me. they hold an edge well and are pretty light even with the reactors. they are a real nice set of sticks.
Posts: 883
Karma: 10
alright i dont want to hear it. my friend james rocks these hes like 6'3 or 4 and like 200+ and loves them to death. u just suck.
Posts: 258
Karma: 10
i've demo'ed these skis. they can't hold an edge, plain and simple. the "butterzones" make the ski feel weak and they kinda gave away when i tried to carve on em. granted, i am a big dude and i am an ex-racer and i'm not a park rat, but i don't see why anyone would buy this ski once they've demo'ed it. this ski is exactly what it is advertised as: a cheap ski.
Posts: 3023
Karma: 21
hmm lets see your a big guy and an ex racer and not a park rat... so this ski is in NO WAY SHAPE OR FORM DESIGNED FOR YOU!
GET IT THROUGHT YOUR FUCKING HEAD skis are each made for DIFFERENT PEOPLE there are NO BAD SKIS only BAD SKIS FOR DIFFERENT PEOPLE. While you may enjoy a very very stiff ski for your basic park riding the lighter skiers out their can use this ski to its full advantage. Also if your not a park rat you would not be interested in butter zones or anything of the sort, or even a centermounted ski. So do us all a favour and shut the fuck up because its evident that you just want to rip on a ski. I could take a ski that you say is AMAZING and find it TERRIBLE because i am about 130 lbs. HENCE the different ski for different people.
(just had to vent dont cry yourself to sleep)
Posts: 8192
Karma: 10
Posts: 24730
Karma: 30,003
your a racer... your used to stiff ass skis... if you want twins taht are stiff, get the volkl karmas or something... the line invaders are not for you.
and yeah. Ill second it... OWNED.
Posts: 8602
Karma: 539
They shouldn't be able to handle stupid high speeds. And you should definately expect them to chatter. The suggest mount point is CENTER for pete's sake. They are a park only ski. specifically jibbing. don't expect them to be the bomb diggity out of the park.
Posts: 2888
Karma: 20
Ive never riden them, but it looks like the butter zone makes them weak and stuff, like instead of making the ski thinner (thinner = break easier) they should of just made the ski softer of something
But how would I know, Ive never riden them
Posts: 3096
Karma: 44
^Well to answer your question, the springblade technology on TMs and rocking chair effect on rossi twins involves making the ski thinner.
I am planning on getting invaders and rounding the edges, but now I am worried I might not be able to make it down the mountain to the park.
Posts: 258
Karma: 10
yes, each person has different opinions on different skis and each person has different uses for different skis. i am not a park rat so i wouldn't want a pair of skis that is a park specific ski like the invaders. yet i still own a pair of fujatives, which is also considered a "park" ski. why? because these skis still rip. yea, they might migh a bit soft for a guy like me, but i'm a decent enough skiier to know that these skis still can handle itself outside of a park and i can still carve the shit outta these. they are wide enough underfoot to handle most ski conditions and soft enough when i use them inside of the park.
skis are meant to be riden, not just jumped on. yea, there are "park" specific skis out there but these skis SHOULD be able to be riden outside of the park. most people can't afford to have and ride on more than one set of skis. however thats why a pair of invaders are so cheap, so someone can hopefully own another pair of skis for non-park use. but the cheapness of these skis have clearly shown that the quality of these skis also suck balls. once again, i refer to skis like the fuj's. cheap, yet you don't hear tons of complaints about em, its a ski that seems to be as durable as any other ski that you would use in the park.
the reality of today's skiier that owns the invaders is the fact that either a) you're too shitty of a skiier to know that a product like the invaders suck complete balls outside of the park or b)you own more than two pairs of skis. but skis are meant to be RIDEN EVERYWHERE, not just in the park. i should be able to ski from the park to the lifts without having to have the desire to snap my piece of shit skis over my knee into two (which seems is a reality with these invaders).
i usually like line's shit, i liked last year's chrons a lot. but i think this is just another crappy product by line in hopes revitalize the company's revenues in hopes to cover their costs on the flop of the reactors.
Posts: 258
Karma: 10
and i have my fuj's center mounted and my pistols and made'n AKs both core mounted and still love the shit outta em. just goes to tell you that a quality product will perform.
Posts: 13846
Karma: 651
Posts: 258
Karma: 10
and another note, there is another ski out there that EVERYONE on this site has bashed for years for being shitty quality and soft as fuck and an all around "piece of shit": the 1080's. this soft ski, with shitty quality b/c of the foam core has gotten more shit on this site than any other ski out there. yet, these invaders seem to have similar problems and everyone is jumping to its rescue. the invader is also having durability issues and is a really soft ski. don't believe the hype. just cause a ski has cool graphics (which i admit, they are pretty fucking sweet), comes from a "core" company, and is priced decently, that doesn't mean its gonna be a quality product. the invaders and just the next 1080s, just cheaper.
Posts: 3096
Karma: 44
You've got some good points, but I disagree. There should be skis just for the park. The invader, t-hall pro, and fujative are just the first wave.
You can still ride them outside the park. But honestly I'd rather have a good all-mountain ski like the hotrod, rossi oversize series, or dynastar legend series that can handle the rest of the mountain well, and then have a park ski.
If you want a good all mountain twin, get some salomons.
Posts: 8345
Karma: 25
i dis agree this years fujatives are much more all mountain this year as aposed to last years.
Posts: 1283
Karma: 11
my invaders are falling apart. they do have a lot of pop though
Posts: 13785
Karma: 1,956
i agree, the stiffening up does make them seem not so park specific.
Posts: 2033
Karma: -3
I heard Bode is skiing special racing invaders next year, that are forward mounted with special racing zones on the ski.
Posts: 1758
Karma: 82
Posts: 4155
Karma: -5
Yeah, your background and current skiing style pretty much explain everything. You should be able to see why a parkrat would like them.
Posts: 258
Karma: 10
i mean i definitely see why a "park rat" would want this ski. but it doesn't negate the fact that the ski sucks.
Posts: 13785
Karma: 1,956
different skis are meant for different purposes. Hence why do dont see many people rock GS skis in the park, cuase that what suck for the park, thats not what they are meant for. Just like how the invaders arent meant for ripping big lines or bashing gates.
Posts: 648
Karma: 10
you my friend, are a fucking idiot. invaders may feel shitty to you becasue they " can't hold an edge or can't carve well." invaders are advertised as a park specific ski. some skis nowadays aren't going to be good for anything but the park. come to terms with this and stop bitching about how shitty they are. i haven't ridden them but i'm sure that if i ever get a chance to i would love them.
Posts: 258
Karma: 10
how bout you ride em first, then formulate your own opinion, and then try to make an intelligent comment dumbass.
Posts: 648
Karma: 10
how about you quit bitching about how shitty invaders are and let it go..if you don't like them don't buy them, not bitch to other people who could possibly love them about how shitty of a ski they are
Posts: 39
Karma: 10
I really don't understand this because Line themselves advertise this as a PARK ski. They make no claims that ski will be great anywhere else. They also advertise the Chronic and the Prophet as All Mt twins. So why bitch about the Invaders not being good outside the park when Line is already telling you this upfront. If you want an all mt twin you should be no where near the invaders. If you want a PARK ski then you should probably check them out. Personally I don't give a shit either way, this just seems like a pointless arguement.
Posts: 2171
Karma: 17
I seriously can't believe you are bashing a park ski because it isn't good outside of the park. No one on this site ever criticizes a non park ski for sucking in the park, so why do the opposite. The ski will get you into the park, no problems, and really it isn't so weak that you could easily snap it over your knee.
Posts: 323
Karma: 25
invaders fucking kick ass on rails. my friend and i made a really sketchy one in my back yard w/cinder blocks and a pipe. and the base didn't get scratched up at all. oh yeah, they are beginning to delam, but whatever, i got them for $250 and i get a free pair, so i consider them my "crash and bash" preseason skis.
Posts: 24730
Karma: 30,003
Invaders kill it in the park. Which is what they are made for. Dont buy them if you are going to be doing much out of the park on any given day, they arent for that kind of skiing. Buy a twintip and dont have it centermounted if you are going to do that.
Posts: 15
Karma: 10
hey dud wheredid yoiu buy your lines you live in ontario right?
Posts: 6561
Karma: 1,375
Posts: 2171
Karma: 17
Those look like such a sick ski.
Posts: 1758
Karma: 82
Posts: 3023
Karma: 21
whistler in june buddy... when i was at COC
Posts: 8345
Karma: 25
i tried the invaders for like 10 min. I saw some kid with them and he let me take a run. The butter zone is deffinetly fun and they seam like a burly ski.
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