Replying to Best overall park near mpls/st paul?
what has been in everyones opinion the overall best park around the cities the past few years? the Ski and Snowboard Club at the UofM gave us passes to welch for $99, which is fucking sweet no matter where, its been worth it buying so far, and ive only been out 4 times.
anyways, my first year up here was last year so i was just kind of checking everything out. buck hill seemed like it had some real sick rails, but the jumps were lame. granted it was the last day they were open, but the only jump they had was nothing short of poop. i got to hyland hills one of the last weekend they were open, and they had a siiick 30' table (something like that, i suck at judging distances).
so whats the best? ive been happy with welch so far, but ive seen a lot of people saying they slack on terrain. judging from my one visit each last spring, it looks like hyland has the best jumps and buck has the best rails. what are your opinions?
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