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Pop yer bottles or booter crunk
Posts: 1296
Karma: 237
Posts: 649
Karma: 10
booter crunk. i am obsessed with that movie
Posts: 274
Karma: 19
Posts: 15350
Karma: 311
Pop yer bottlez way better
Posts: 3861
Karma: 490
pyb is way better, booter crunk was one of the worst vids i saw this year
Posts: 1110
Karma: 10
If you wanna watch skiing, Booter Crunk, if you wanna watch skiers dancing in a club, then PYB
Posts: 1139
Karma: 11
Posts: 1371
Karma: 30
booter crunk is way better...pyb is pretty good as long as u can tolerate the massacres to cr's and tanner rainvilles parts
Posts: 5608
Karma: 392
i hear booter crunk is like an hour+ is that true?
Posts: 648
Karma: 10
booter crunk is real good. havent seen pyb but i saw wski so im doubting ill like pyb. booter crunk has some real good segments from sammy, tim durtschi, and tommy ellingson too
Posts: 4916
Karma: 66
Both movies are good, but i find i can only watch certain segments from each
PYB i can watch Kye, Tanner, The Petit Bros, Pep, and CR
Booter Crunk i can watch Tim, Seth, Zack D, Kyler, Dylan, Sammy and Tommy.
so i guess that only leaves out a couple segs from each movie.
Posts: 1983
Karma: 12
please leave newschoolers, please just take it off your favorites, change you password so you'll never remember it again
Posts: 8345
Karma: 25
booter crunk was great plus i won a signed copy at the premier. I havent seen pyb but i cant see it being much better than booter.
Posts: 145
Karma: 16
to get crunk you have to pop yer bottlez
Posts: 6447
Karma: 106
i havent seen either, but i know that PYB is a way more cultural movie. so i think it really depends on what you liike, lifestyle and skiing or just skiing
Posts: 784
Karma: 26
I havent seen booter crunk but I thought pop yer bottelz was one of the funniest movies ive ever seen i couldent stop laughing after i saw CR dancing to that gay sean paul song
Posts: 4396
Karma: 2,967
Posts: 5961
Karma: 19
I havent seen booter crunk, but I think the skiing in PYB is probably better. It has Tanner, Pep, and CR. Chris Biollo has a pretty damn good part too. The only real down side is, as people mentioned, the club scene idea is kind of stupid
Posts: 6005
Karma: 2,203
i love booter crunk i watch it every day. i've never watched the whole thing though only tim's zach's kyler's dylan tosh and his bro, sammy's and tommy's parts all those combined are about 10 15 minutes tops its a sick movie
Posts: 14
Karma: 49
i have pop yer bottles...its ok i havent seen bootercrunk
Posts: 2490
Karma: 15
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