Why is there so much judgement when it comes to skiing, just look at this forum, everybody has something to bitch about. just look at some of the titles of these threads.
Shitty skiers w/ gorilla steeze
ultimate posers and stuff
and there are more just read a couple and there is always some form of negative judgement towards somebody who has a different style or does something different then another person, it's pathetic. just read a few messages in any thread and there is some form of judgement being made. And don't get me wrong, there is a difference between stating an oppinion and judging somebody and oppinions are great, and thats what makes ns so great, but it's judgemental people that make skiing look bad.
why is everybody so judgemental, there are a lot of people who aren't don't get me wrong, and thats the way it should be, i just think if you don't like something that somebody else does you don't need to harrass people about it. So what if you don't like gorrilla steez, a lot of other people do and if you like it why not use it. So what if somebody ski boards, lots of people do, lots of people have tried it, there is way too much negative shit being said about them and why should they be treated like that for liking a sport thats similar to skiing. And for people calling other people posers, that is the most annoying of all, so people can't spend money on equipment they like, so what if you think it's a waste of money, it's not your decision, it's theirs leave them alone and let them do what they want. Too many times people talk like they are god around here and what they say should be the norm, why not just ignore things that bother you rather then insulting somebody for their likes and dislikes, nuff said.
At the end of the day all that matters is that you've got a smile on your face after skiing, why can't that be enough for everybody.
Pro Am It's all about the East.