With so many skiers these days, and so many people taking it up. The list of douche bags grows by the minute. I’m not singling anyone out, I’m more guilty of it than anyone. But it times like these with the recent skiing tragedy to C.R. Johnson. It makes me really question, Why are we who we are? Why am I a d-bag? Why am I a cocky little shit? Why do I talk shit on New Schoolers? In all honesty I have no idea, but I think I need to stop, I think everyone does. Maybe this is what our sport needs. When I go into a park, I get the grudgiest stares. I never remember a day where I haven’t gotten a bad look or given one. I know some of you aren’t like this, and some of us are. But right now, we really need to ask ourselves why we are like this? This can happen to any of us, it’s a reality. How do you want people to think of you when you get hurt? I think its time, that we seriously spread the love, even if people talk shit, come back with a positive response, be positive, don’t talk shit, go out their and have fun every day. I’m tired of being like this and seeing the sport like this, lets change this, lets get a good image, instead of being known as cocky little shit wanna be gangstas, lets be the good people on the hill, and be good role models for those younger freeskiers, and people that grow up in the sport. Lets take a stand, say hi to kids you’ve never talked to, be friends w/ everyone, and help everyone out, and compliment even the crappiest styles, gestures like that will really convince people that we are different than the perceive us as. Lets unite, and change everything we know, to a positive, loving and caring enviorment.