take 1 deck of cards, place 1 unopen beer in the center of the table and place all the cards scattered around it face down. you need at least 4 people but it can go up to about 12. now this is what each card is worth.
Ace- Waterfall, everbody drinks at the same time, the person who draws the card starts it and you go around in a circle, you dont stop until the person in front of you stops.
2- is for you, (1-10 drinks)
3- Me (1-10 drinks)
4- Whores (1-10 drinks)
5- Jive, the person who draws the card starts a beat, (hit the table, whatever) and you go around and each person adds onto it, whoever messes it up drinks
6- Dicks (1-10 drinks)
7- I've Never, everone puts up 3 fingers, you say something that you have never done (worn a tampon), if you have done it you put down a finger, whoever runs out of fingers first drinks.
8- Social or Make a Rule, Everyone takes 1-2 drinks or you can make it more technical and add a rule,(thumb rule, green man, no saying drink,drank,drunk, and there are many more)
9- Rhyme, say any word, (drunk), then it goes around and people must rhyme with it (krunk, bunk, sunk,) whoever messes it up drinks.
10- Categories, you say a catagorie (beer(budweiser)), like the others, go around and people must say brands of beer (kokanee, Busch, Carona).
Jack- Back
Queen- Questions, on this, you ask anyone a question, about anything, they must look at someone else and ask another question, and so on, whoever replys without a ?, drinks.
King- Kings, place king on top of unopen beer in center, once the last king is chosen, then the person who drew it shotguns or beerbongs the beer, finish drawing the rest of the cards though, until there are none left.
Print this and put it on your refrigerator for further uses, its awsome