OK professor... are you saying the world's going to end, then? Or did you just want to show us all that you know what 'AC' and 'AD' stand for?
Anyway, I have a very hard time taking you seriously, when you use commas like this. Also, I bet you know jack shit about 'elctricity' and/or history, so I'm going to go ahead and 'lable' you as a retarded asshole.
Moving on to the dude who said evolution isn't right because the world would be overpopulated... pull your head out of your ass. That statement is just about as scientifically valid as this website:
Speaking scientifically, Evolution theory has tens of thousands of pieces of supporting evidence to its name... and, if you swing that way, it doesn't actually overlap with the most common version of ID theory, so you can believe both if you really want to. I think ID is dumb, but that's just my opinion...
Speaking religiously, on the other hand, the bible is an old collection of writings with some good messages and some bad, but the dude(s) who wrote it couldn't predict the future and therefore the 'bible code' is a steaming crock of shit. Refer to this: