It's been two days and I've been home from school. I watched 3 movies on Shaw Digital Cable today. The first being Freaky Friday starring Lindsay Lohan and Jamie lee Curtis. It was a charming rendition of the 60s version. I then watched Bad Boyz 2. It was good, when Martin Lawrence went under the body bag with the dead lady hoo had big boobs, I wasn't sure if I was allowed to have a boner or not. Then I watched Spanglish. Spanish female movie stars certainly are evolving into a category of their own.
Yesterday I watched no movies, but I did happen to catch back to back Home Improvements, and Everybody Loves Raymond. I was supposed to go riding today late in the afternoon, but in my condition I can barely walk up the stairs. It's like a cold, but my throat is killing me, and my ears feel like they have cotton balls in them.
I am missing school, but I hate going to school if I am sick. Ahh well.
I hope I feel better.