I took these pictures on Monday night. When I went to sunburst which was the only place I believe open during the week this week cascade might have been but that was to far to drive.
I met up with Mike Murphy & Justin Serbian to do a little skiing on one run of snow. There were only a couple skiers there besides the ski patrol kid and us and like 2 other guys. So more snowboarders then I can count but some where good so it was cool to see that.
I guess enjoy let me know what you think!!!!!!!
Will start with [u][b]Mike Murphy[/b][/u]
This one i forgot to rewind the Film and opened the back of the camera still turned out alittle bit.
This guy snowboarding is from sunburst His name was Danny thats all i really know I believe he is the one that put on the Rail Jam there during Hallwoeen Weekend and he is one of the park guys really nice guy too.
This is some kid we met at sunburst never got his name I told him i would put the pictures of him up on here so here they are.
Justin Serbian
I bet he is thinking oh fuck this is going to hurt!!
Idiot remember to rewind the film!!