This is my home mountain's website, please feel free to send random hate mail as you wish:
Im so sick of dealing with this place. 90% of the people here are rednecks. Our ski season lasts about a month or less. The patrollers tear down any of the sad little 2ft. jumps you manage to build on the grommers, and there is absolutely no park on the mountain at all. I feel like such a poser trying to ski here, my best trick is 270 to icey headslam. I dunno if its because I suck or because im trying to jump off flat ground. We end up hitting little bumps at mach speed trying to get any airtime whatsoever and then we get bitched at for skiing to fast. The only rail ive hit is the little wood logs on top of the barrier around the ski lift poles.
And I actually managed to break my shoulder here, because a retard from a merging trail ran into me, ruining any chance of me skiing when we went to Utah last year, and ending my shitty season.
This year, and I'm still here. We've got some trips planned with some friends so maybe it'll go better. I'm gonna try so hard to bail on this place next year when i go to college and head to U of Utah. I'll take out student loans and hope for a scholarship or something because I doubt my parents will help with shit since they say I could go to a crappy college around here for practically nothing.
What would you do If you were living in a shithole like this?