so... today i went to have a great ol time at squaw valley, as i often do. as i am sure many of you are aware, we have received a rediculous amount of snow latley. anyhow, i was riding up the shirley lake chair, and looked of to my right, and noticed a pristine chute below the attic that dumps out of the granite cheif traverse... (this is for all the kids who know squaw) so me and my little brother exit the chair to the right and make the long traverse across the bowl to the skiers left. we kept high enough to roll up on to a shoulder of rocks that had about three untouched lines. i picked my chute and droped in. it was probably 80 to 100 yards long and maybe 20-35 feet wide... approx... anyhow, i made my first turn to the left, and it was deep. realy deep. i unweighted for my next turn, when i saw the snow in front of me and to my left fracture. the entire chute ripped out, and since i had barley dropped in, i was not going nearly fast enough to point it out. i tried to poit it out and to the right to avoid a small stand of trees, but to no avail. the slide had me, and i started thinking of everything you are supposed to do in such a situation. i was sunk in up to my knees, and had no control what so ever. the slide was pulling my feet in diffeent directions, so that when the snow came to a stop, i was streached out way more than anyone should be. the snow stopped a few feet from a stand of little trees that i though i was going to get dragged into. at any rate, i was able to dig my legs out, and turned around to see that the whole chute had slid from just behind the point where i had dropped... the fracture was about a foot and a half thick. thank goodness i was able to stay on my feet, or things could have been worse... now, its no seth morrison caliber of avy ride, but it was the biggest slide i have ever personally witnessed, and it just so happens that i was the trigger, and rode that mutha out...
so theres my story- has anyone else ever been in a slide? if so-- chime in with any stories... it was frickin scary..