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My worst one for permanent injury was a few years back... it involved a short flat rail about 20 feet long and on a raised spine of snow about 8 feet up, which had supports coming up from underneath, meaning it looked sort of like this: TTTTTTTTTTTT... so anyway, I slid off of my tips towards the end of it, leading foot first, and my tip got caught in the joints... I was moving very quickly and it ended up whipping me around, pulling out my hip and severely hyperextending my knee. The binding didn't release cleanly... could've used a pair of reactors on that one. I still feel it it in my knee pretty frequently. No surgery, fortunately. But it ended my season. Good thing it was in the spring.
Another one involved an encounter with a tree off a little kicker in a rather wooded area that I came off at the wrong angle, hit the tree about 6 feet from the snow, both my skis shoot off down the hill and I fall flat on my back. It must've looked like a roadrunner cartoon.
I had a good one last year skiing sideways... yeah, my edges were so gone I could get almost full speed slipping sideways spatula-style on my Ar5s if I kept the edge up a bit... but then I hit a bump and caught the side of my ski... whack, smack into the ground, stopped dead. Didn't hurt at all but it looked hilarious.