Thats because in the Early 90's the shittyest decade in history.. snowboard, media, and marketing companies needed to devise a hook to make more money. So the marketing people made a profit of brain washing society that skiing was lame. Eventhough snowboarding is easy as riding a sea do or a quad. It takes little skill, and in two years one could be a pro snowboarder if they were on the hill enough. They needed to create a division to make there sport look bigger and more rebelious. Well now that every gaper, yahoo and thier grandama is on a snowboard it is obvious how easy it really is to master...and we all know that its not rebelious at all to be a snowboarder. And if you really look at both sports skiers are busting way bigger tricks with higher amplitude, and have always been able to go bigger, further, and faster. That is just reality.
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