No more embarrasing or akward moments anymore, but used to have some.
About 7-8 years ago we were smoking the bong at a friends place and after a while ended up with an empty bag, so I call a friend who was at a party so he couldn't bring it over, I figure, ok let's call my father to drive me over their and then someone for sure will drive me back, he wouldn't... plan B, I call another friend who lived nearby and asked him to bring some over. After the call I wanted to have some more so I text-message the guy to bring 5 more partyjoints (well it's called different in dutch) and accidently send the message to my dad. Like one second later he calls me:
he: "Ken, what the hell are you asking me? So you wanted me to drive around for your shit?"
me: "uhm no it's a joke... ha-ha"
actually never got into trouble with that but damn I was scared when I got home the next day!
Even earlier when I was 12-13 or so, I got home as high as you can be a little punk.
Mother: hmmm you smell good!
me: yes i know, it's weed
mother: WHAT??!
me: ah don't worry, I don't smoke that, but all the rest was doing it so that's why my clothes smell like it
When I just got 18 my gf was only 15, so my mother chose the worst moment ever to give me a talk about responsibilties, we just started the xmas holiday and was totally wasted on wodka.
she: well Ken, you've got to understand that your gf is still very young, and it's illegal to...
me (interupting her): all very nice, but you're a bit late with that.
another one with the gf from above, she was at my place and we where lying on the couch covered with a blanket, touching eachother, some messing around with me parents sitting just 12 feet away, but we didn't care. Next day I'm in the car with my dad and out of nothing he goes: "I do expect you to keep it a bit more desent next time your gf is coming over"
preeeety akward haha
funny one, when I was about 16 or so my mom wanted to explain me some things about sex over dinner... I'm looking at my dad like WTF? so he goes: "I don't think this is neccesary, he probably knows more about it then us"