so this is some fuckin bullshit, i wanted to go whach that new movie called"get rich or die tryin", an my mom wants to whach fuckin harry potter, an my sister wants to whach "just friends", so i was like well heres a movie theather thast playin all of those movies lets go to it, also the 3 movies that everyone wanted to whach started at the same time, well my mom was like no we cant go because that is in a very black part of town....i was like so who gives a fuck its not like were gonna get shot or mugged just because alot of black people live in that area....she was like you dont know that and plus the moviue u want to whach is about rap so alot of black people r gonna be there, im like soo r u tryin to say your racsist? of course she got pissed off and now we all have to go whach harry fuckin potter in a "white and safe" area so we wont get killed, or robbed!! im 19 and i still cant do shit, FUCK!!!!!!