Many upon many a time has the debate of who gets "shotgun" when leaving to go somewhere. Now, the belief is that shotgun is somehow better, or more accomodating than the back seat. However, this is untrue and a totally hanus thing to suggest. Really, establishing who gets to ride shotgun is a attempt to become superious over your fellow automobile passengers. Shotgun and backseat are equal in every way you look at it.
First of all, I will discuss the comfort issue. Most people believe that shotgun is a privledge, granting them unbounding measures of comfort in their usually brief and meaningless trip. This however is completely false. When sitting shotgun, you are not only at higher risk in a collision, but you also have the angry passenger in back "accidentally kicking your seat." The comfort level just isn't that amazing.
Secondly, the ventilation in the front of most cars (Excluding some exotic muscle cars such as pontiacs) is much worse and often more uncomfortable than than the rear seats. The air cirrculation pattern just isn't what it should be for an enjoyable and COMFORTABLE ride through your local area or exciting road trip or whathaveyou.
Third and probably most important is the companion factor. When sitting shotgun, you are forced into a lonely solitude, left out of the conversation being held by your fortunate comrades in the rear. Every now and again, it is nice to sit less than 2 inches away from a member of the same sex. It helps us as humans discover who we truley are. No, it is not cramped back there, it is cozy, just small enough to make sure the desired "companion level" is reached. It is a proven fact that 60% of all men that sit shotgun more than 40% of the time have a 70% chance of turning gay.
So next time you have that urge as you are sprinting out the door, yes, you know what I'm talking about, the excitment that wells up knowing you thought of "shotgun" first, do yourself a favor and stop. Just stop, collect your thoughts and reconsider. Think of all you have just learned, and make the right choice.