I just thought I would let all of you little bastards know that the PNW is in full effect, so I don't want to hear anymore lip!
Here is an assortment of stills from the digi cam of the man, the legend, Jeff Thomas himself.
Erich Kunz (alpentalik): 'P? Let me hear ya say ugghhh.'
Erich Kunz (alpentalik): 'Let me show you my 'o' face....oh, oh, oh, oh.'
Matt Neiderhauser (BakerBoy): 'Laying down for a little nap.'
Glen Wade: 'Hot dog? No, no...hot karl.'
Glen Wade: 'All these pillows are making me tired.'
Matt Neiderhauser (BakerBoy): 'Where am I?'
Erich Kunz (alpentalik): 'Silent snatch off a little drop...go bigger next time you stupid angel fucker.'
''It started in like a hiccup, then I took the biggest vilest crap of my life. It gushed forth like someone shot a whole in a keg of beer. My legs were kicking all over the place uncontrollably. All the muscles in my body tensed, quivered and shook. I don't know what an exorcism feels like, but I bet it was alot like that.'' -Dan ''Maximumsushi'' MacIntyre