So i've been on NS for a long time and am noticing more and more discussions about BC safetly and even some stories about BC tragedies. has anyone pitched the idea of adding a BC safety section to the site? the site already has a lot of great resources so why not a section that would link to avalanche and snowpack reprorts for regions all over North america and possibly europe if available. I know the northwest avalcnhe center has a great website and i'm sure their are counter parts alover the nation and canada.
the section could also contain links to sites that have basic BC safety and plcaes where you can go for mor training. I think a lot more people need to get this info and NS reaches so many skiers it should be inculded in the site.
I'm sure if it went well it would also open up areas of new adverticing and sponserships for NS like ortovox, BC access, black diamond and other companies that make a lot of the safety gear.
what do you guys think?