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6 years on newschoolers.com....
Posts: 540
Karma: 10
Wow, its been 6 years since I first discovered this site. that's a long time. I remember because I was a senior in high school and it was during a break between lunch and my next class that I just happened to stumble upon a neat skiing site that was linked to the FreeRideZone.com (very cool website). There wasnt much on it at the time, just an ugly blue background and a lot of backflip mutes. But there was cool trick names.
In the six years that I have been "midwest_rep" on NS I have:
- never changed or updated my profile
- lived on 2 different continents
- gone to 2 different colleges on different ends of the country
- written 2 thesis papers and recieved 2 degrees
- lived in 4 states
- lived in a dorm, 3 apartments, 1 host family, and 1 house
- had the following jobs: landscape labor, Pepsi product distribution assistant, YMCA Day camp counselor, Keebler Merchendiser, Keystone Ski Instructor, BASS shoe salesman, Factory worker, and I now work in a Cancer Research Lab.
- tried 8 different kinds of drugs
- been caught using 1 kind of drug
- had 2 serious girlfriends
- purchased only 2 new pair of skis (still have my old yellow 1080s)
- had best friends from Japan, Scotland, England, Chile, Argentina
- Changed my life plan from being an author to ski bum to journalism to Classical studies PhD to medical school
- Skied mountains in 3 different countries and in 7 different states
- Watched and memorize every episode of Family Guy and Futurama
- Gotten so drunk that I didn't remember starting to drink in the first place
- Learned how easy it is to take control of life and make it what you want it to be.
Also, one time I pooped so much in this girl's toilet that it plugged it up and I was too embarrased to say anything so I just left and never spoke to her again.
Posts: 13150
Karma: 19,451
Ive been here for more than 2 years and I have more than 2000 post and nothing in my life has changed.
Posts: 2674
Karma: 122
Hmmm my four years on NS and heres what ive done...
-skied in 3 different contintents
-skied more resorts in the states then i have in canada (my great home)
-dropped out of college only to finish my degree online
-fucked a lot of stupid bitches in town for the weekend
-got my brown belt
-got my asian belt
-had 2 serious GF's
-joined the mile high club en route to a ski event.
-never got an STD (pretty good for whistler)
-got published over a dozen times
-figured out why auusies are dumb as fuck
-learned the efficientcy of the neck punch (on an aussie)
-rolled with the industry's finest (not any of you on here...sorry, well maybe one or two.
-smoked the fucked out with many of your idols
-smoked about a metric tonne of pot
-...uhhhh what the fuck was i talkin about again...shit that always happens
Posts: 1005
Karma: 10
Posts: 1511
Karma: 11
you guys are so lucky to travel as much as you do
Posts: 435
Karma: 23
this thread makes me all warm and fuzzy, it reminds me of the good ole days back when everyone was full of love on here. way to bring back the past my man, kudos!
Posts: 4221
Karma: 20
Posts: 8681
Karma: 54
makes me wonder what the fuck i'm doing with my life been on newschoolers for.... a while... and i feel like i'm in the same shit different time
Posts: 1120
Karma: 103
stuff like that makes me fell all warm inside.
Posts: 8192
Karma: 10
ehh i only got 3 years...
Posts: 1628
Karma: 23
Posts: 1092
Karma: 34
Posts: 7445
Karma: 90
sweet man, you keep it real and keep coming back. congrats!
Posts: 5608
Karma: 392
i just hit 3 years and 1 month
Posts: 7935
Karma: 25
iv been on for about 4 years
Posts: 1259
Karma: 13
dude thats so so so sick!
Posts: 12874
Karma: 3,460
i think im at almost 2 years. i will double check.
Posts: 4797
Karma: 86
i think the point we are all trying to make here is that ryan mckeeman is a deusche bag and midwest-rep has done something with his life.
Posts: 643
Karma: 52
yeah man that was a truely awesome post.
Posts: 5606
Karma: 195
This is like my second year on this name and around 4th or 5th overall. When I discovered this site I was in 7th grade, and had no idea there was a forum or anything like that. I came to watch ski movies every now and then. Eventually, I forgot about it, forgot my old user name. Then I saw some kid at school on it and went back, found out how sick it had gotten and started coming to it every day.
Posts: 1483
Karma: 11
haha yes! BASS shoe salesman. Thats my job. It sucks but its been my job for over a year and a half now.
Posts: 9322
Karma: 76
haha im a newb, but without people like you guys then this site would probably not exsist so thanks dudes
Posts: 2553
Karma: 12
Posts: 1598
Karma: 9
congrats man what member number r u thats a long fucking time
Posts: 540
Karma: 10
hahaha thanks for all the good words guys. I was just thinking about how much has changed over the years in skiing and in life in general. It's nice to sit back and take a look at where you are in life and where you want to be. And for any of you out there that has doubts, I'm serious when I said I learned to take control of life. It's all up for grabs, there's no path laid before you. You don't need a lot of money, just the desire to do something and the motivation to walk out the door. Once you get started on something, pieces will fall into place.
Last year I had no idea what I wanted to do with my life. So I packed up some clothes, my skis, and other necessities and moved with my girlfriend to Colorado. No appartment or anything, just the phone number of a friend. We crashed on his floor for a week until we found a cheap apartment. A few weeks later, and we each had some shitty jobs. But for that year, we lived the skiers dream. Working in the morning and skiing and partying in the afternoon. All it took was a bit of motivation to get out the door.
It's amazing to think about how far NS and skiing has come in those years too. From mogul pants and 360 mute grabs to 270 on to urban handrails and switch 1080 op mutes. Who would've thought eh? Despite all the tools on this site, its still a cool site and I'll be coming back to it for years to come I'm sure.
And although I've chosen the school life now, I still envy you guys like McKeeman who are still living the life.
So sit back and think about what you've done in the last few years, I bet you'd surprise yourself. We all have amazing stories to tell, there just isn't enough time to tell them.
Posts: 21048
Karma: 5,062
1.3 years...... in my time, i've reached too many posts.
Posts: 8125
Karma: 65
Posts: 428
Karma: 13
wow, sweet thread...i'm a month away from 4 yrs...i think i found out about this site threw freeridezone as well. good list of things
Posts: 9297
Karma: 1,495
damn man thas real cool, only one question what will ns be like in 6 more years!!
Posts: 2529
Karma: 48
damn i guess it's been over 6 years for me now too.
Wicked list man. Maybe i'll make a list too
Posts: 10166
Karma: 55
well.. happy sixth anniversary my friend.
Posts: 2529
Karma: 48
- Learned to do that 'insane' mute grab in the 'trick of the month' in the first issue of Freeze..
- Had 2 serious girlfriends..
- Got tossed in the drunk tank..
- Hookedup with girls from 3 different continents..
- Lived in 2 different ski towns..
- Took up bmx, wakeboarding, rope swinging, rock climbing, cliff jumping, trampolining..
- Took up and quit, karate, skateboarding, golf, tennis, whitewater rafting..
- Visited New Zealand, Australia, Thailand, Cambodia, Vietnam, Laos and Singapore..
- Lived in 7 different houses
- Spent 287 near consecutive days in living in a tent..
- Worked at least 20 different jobs..
- Watched 2 friends get married..
- Planted 72,000 trees..
- Made friends, and visited friends all over the world..
- Sprained my ankle (only injury that lasted more then 2 days)..
- Decided what to do with my life (acmg mountain guide)..
Posts: 540
Karma: 12
Posts: 1244
Karma: 14
I have been here 2 months and have 420 somthing posts. But no wonder you have 206 posts your busy makeing your life better then mine.
Posts: 1244
Karma: 14
I have been here 2 months and have 420 somthing posts. But no wonder you have 206 posts your busy makeing your life better then mine.
Posts: 3960
Karma: 329
wow, i had no idea it has been that long....
Posts: 7479
Karma: 15
haha clogging the toilet, thats classic man
Posts: 31125
Karma: 336
that mad me feel warm and fuzzy inside...crazy man. Good shit though
Posts: 2468
Karma: 13
"Favorite Tricks-Nothing beats a smooth laid out backflip"
hahaha I guess you really haven't changed your profile in 6 years.
Posts: 9632
Karma: 580
ive been here for 7 months, so far ive completley stopped snowboarding(i used to just snowboar, then snowobard and snowblade then snowboard and ski andd now just ski.) ive learned what some new tricks are and some new words. so basically ive ive done nothing
Posts: 13809
Karma: 92
in these ten months ive:
_ learned to live in a new country
_ learned somewhat a new language
_ gotten in touch with my ski side for good: i know what i love to do.
_ gotten in touch with the swedish ski scene (thank you all)
_ learbed so much about skiing
_ learned so much about myself, and who i want to be to others, and what purpose i ahve in sweden
_ learned so much from the wise members of this site, be it in politics, theology, debate amd discussion, and how cool people can be
_ come to terms somewhat with my departure from france
_ come to know some people, and befriended some more than people i actually know in rl.
thank you ns.
Posts: 1919
Karma: 1,573
love this thread, bringing it back for a while. the kids need to see it.
Posts: 471
Karma: 10
- Learned how easy it is to take control of life and make it what you want it to be.
These may well be the most inspiring words i have read in a long time.
Posts: 3189
Karma: 15
wow this thread is sweet, fuck I wish I joined NS earlier, because I knew about it...
Posts: 15967
Karma: 11,027
Posts: 20283
Karma: 5,931
my first 3 years were incredible on this site. the past 2 years have gone down hill......
Posts: 8558
Karma: 512
my y3ar... but known about it for 4 or 5 years
Posts: 14949
Karma: 9,239
Congrats mang, glad to see you stuck it out through the good, bad and ugly. NS for Lyfe. This fall/winter will be my 8th year on NS. Like whoa.
Posts: 671
Karma: 10
Posts: 6842
Karma: 408
this thread is awesome, ive been on NS almost 2 years i guess
Posts: 4329
Karma: 300
500 posts in 6 years?!?!?! pick it up man hah
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