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Fuck im high or something i said topsheet twice anyone have fugative?
Posts: 29
Karma: 10
if u have fugitives do the caps hold up??
Posts: 1174
Karma: 10
yeahhhhhhhhh mannnnnnnnnn
The cap is fine.
Posts: 11349
Karma: 2,333
they should theyre vertical
Posts: 251
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Posts: 13785
Karma: 1,956
yes they hold up very well
Posts: 3536
Karma: 13
i would put the fujative in the top 5 of most durable ski's
Posts: 1174
Karma: 10
I woudn't put them in the top 5 just because they are so prone to snapping with the design of them.
Posts: 152
Karma: 10
there cheap, fun, and good, but they fall apart, you pay for what you get. but that also depends on how you ride, i know ceveral people who have gone through a pair within weeks (2-3), but they killed it, i also know people who have made them last, didn't ride nearly as hard.
Posts: 14332
Karma: 1,268
the newb next to your name is there for a good reason ^ fugatives hold up soo amazing. I've been doin urbans on my fugatives since summer and the edges are still there, absolutly ridiculous. probably the most durable ski out there
Posts: 4625
Karma: 11
yea they are so good for the price...they hold up real well
Posts: 152
Karma: 10
I don't know, have never skied on them, I'v just talked people I know who have, and i'v seen their skis. but If i were K2 and i had one of the most duarble skis out there i would probably charge more money. From what I'v heard they are cheaper because they are made with cheaper materials, therefore they cost less.
Posts: 152
Karma: 10
i do agree they are good for the price, and look super fun. and this years graphic is the best of all the skis i think.
Posts: 1174
Karma: 10
To a point the bobby guy is right, as with any of the jib/butter skis they are prone to snapping, which sucks. But the edges/bases on them are pretty good, and especaily good for the price. Fujatives definately arent the most durable ski, or even the most durable twin.
Most durable ski ever is probably the volkl snow ranger, ive never seen one of them beyond its skiability.
As for twins, id say the mad trix are the most durable out now, the wizzard explosivs were nice though.
Posts: 3462
Karma: 239
there cheap because pep wanted them to be cheap. just cause there cheap doesnt mean they are made less well or arnt as durable.
Posts: 1559
Karma: 19
hes right^ pep stated that he knows the feeling of asking his parents for a new pair of boards and wanted to make a low price on the skis, PEPS THE MAN PERIOD.
Posts: 152
Karma: 10
Do you really think that their just selling these skis cheaper than the PE's or the vicious because pep wanted them to, no they are made with cheaper materials so they could be sold cheaper, you get what you pay for in this case. i really don't think K2 is losing any money by selling them cheaper than other models. and from my experience or well i mean my friends experience they are super fun but fall apart, but i did see it first hand so i guess it could be my experience.
Posts: 9311
Karma: 910
It took me 45 days to snap them.. they are buff or your friend is a fat mother fucker. I broke 3 pairs of bindings while riding them before the ski broke. I ski hard as fuck. your freind crashes to much or is over 180.
Posts: 152
Karma: 10
yea i know pep said that, i think a lot of people do, but at the time there were no other skis in a lower price range so he asked K2 to make him a ski that could be sold cheaper, no other companies were making skis for that cheap, But K2 did for pep, but all that means is that they made a sweet ski with cheaper materials so they could be sold cheaper, and Pep is the man for getting that started, now other companies are making cheaper versions of skis so you don't have to be a rich asshole to have a sick pair of skis.
Posts: 1559
Karma: 19
WRONG!! They set them at the cheap price because you have more people buying the skis because they are cheaper so they actually are getting more money. The ski topped the list as americas most wanted ski, you make more money if you sell a thousand $300 dollar skis compared to 500 hundred $499 dollar skis... Simple marketing scheme, also Pep does have sympathy. Would you buy a 300 dollar ski that outperfroms a 400 dollar ski???
Posts: 152
Karma: 10
no actually he's about 5'6" and probably 130 or 140, and it just wasn't one bad pair he went through a couple pairs of fugatives, the other guy i know is a little bigger but not much and he blew thgouh his in a couple of weeks, what kind of bindings are you using?
Posts: 152
Karma: 10
sounds like a good marketing scheme why don't they do that with all their skis, everyone would love K2. just wondering, but do you know what they are actually made of?
Posts: 1559
Karma: 19
Because pep didnt mother fucking design the public enemys or vicious or maidens or missdeameaners. It takes more to build a pow ski than a park ski. Invaders fujatives all 299, jp juliens and vicious all 500 bucks...
Posts: 152
Karma: 10
maybe K2 should have pep design all the other models so they can sell for 299, it does take more to build a pow ski and it takes more to build a more duarble park ski. Ar5, last years pollard, scratch fs, chronic, PE's, trouble maker, etc.
Posts: 152
Karma: 10
Posts: 9311
Karma: 910
p12's and p10s with an 8 DIn. shit he must ski liek me then.
Posts: 152
Karma: 10
don't get me worng i think the fugative's are the shit, just don't think their very durable, because of my experience and from what I'v heard.
Posts: 152
Karma: 10
yea but i think he's on a p14
Posts: 1559
Karma: 19
yeah but k2 didnt make those skis, yes the fujative was put together with CHEAPER materials than maybe some 600 dollar skis, but they arent that cheap of materials, as far as i know the fujative skis better than more of those 500 dollar skis. And im sure k2 and pep had some Input on the price.
Posts: 152
Karma: 10
not sure though, who knows who cares, could be a p18.
Posts: 152
Karma: 10
hey thats all i'm sayin they were made with cheaper materials, the people i know who have skied on them said they were the shit, but they fell apart.
Posts: 1559
Karma: 19
^ and I havent skiied them either, but most of the reviews i have heard are they ski amazing. So i guess we both are kinda irrelavant.
Posts: 1054
Karma: 10
I believe they make them affordable by using things like cap construction instead of the sandwich contruction of other K2 skis. I own a last years Fujatives and they are great skis.
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