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Teddybear Crisis for Sony PSP!
Posts: 67
Karma: 10
Teddybear Crisis is going to be released on UMD disc for the Sony Playstation Portable. Should be out before Christmas.
You didn't hear it from me.
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Posts: 1866
Karma: 171
cool but all u gotta do is buy the regular dvd load it to ur computer then load it onto the psp and then u can watch it..idn how easy it is to load a dvd onto a compmuter ive never tried it but once u get it on its easy from there.
Posts: 28699
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I also heard they are releasing a Teddybear Crisis video game for the Xbox 360!
Posts: 67
Karma: 10
Who wants to bet?
I could use the cash.
Posts: 67
Karma: 10
First, Ripping the DVD is illegal, but that's not stopping too many people. The reality of actually doing it is this:
The movie would be over a gig, so you'll need a 2 gig memory stick duo... that's $200.
Compressing to PSP takes FOREVER, so your comp will run for a day and a half to compress it.
The UMD release will be somewhere around $17.99 in the store, so which is the better deal? An illegal copy that took you two days to make, looks crappy, and costs $200 or a perfect encode of the master of the movie on UMD with all the bonus stuff for $18?
Posts: 9458
Karma: 105
I would definately buy it for PSP if it came out...but I need some more information, like websites saying if it is or not.
Posts: 274
Karma: 10
I would buy that for the PSP in a second.
Posts: 574
Karma: 10
if that is ture, which i don't think it would be...i am so getting a psp now.
Posts: 3905
Karma: 206
its not really illegal if you already purchased it and are just making another copy for yourself...
Posts: 103
Karma: 25
I bought Teddybear and recently ripped it to my ipod video to take with me everywhere. about to do the same to the hit list and war. doesn't take up too much space on a 60gig ipod!
Posts: 67
Karma: 10
Unfortunately it is totally illegal. DCMA and the feds say so.
Posts: 67
Karma: 10
Well, you heard it here first. It will be up on the AllyVideo.com site in a few days, then it will start to show up on other sites and it should ship some time in December.
There will also be a UMD of The Community Project too if you're into snowboarding.
Posts: 1244
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Posts: 34
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fuck that, youre allowed to copy stuff for your own personal use. If i paid money for the product I can definitly replicate it to play on other sources.
Posts: 1087
Karma: 10
my understanding of copyright law is that you are allowed to make copies of your pre-existing software/movies as a back-up copy. I believe circumventing the protection scheme of dvd's (CSS) may be illegal in some circumstances.
But generally, its perfectly acceptable and legal to duplicate things, as long as you dont install a program twice, or hand out copies of movies to people
Posts: 80
Karma: 13
u cant not w/out a special program-they are hard to come by, and expensive
Posts: 477
Karma: 11
ok if it is legal to copy a dvd for your own use then why isnt there like a program you can buy. to burn copyrighted dvds you gotta download illegal software first
Posts: 1040
Karma: 2,634
First off, Rippin a DVD is NOT illegal for personal use. Secondly with program like handbrake which by the way is free and amazing (macs only) you can rip the dvd to your computer in about the full length of the movie, and by doing so, you can adjust the screen hieght/width to fit the psp or ipod video for that matter and put it onto your PSP with dvd quality...and all for the price of $0 and took about as long as it would to watch the movie so BOOYA
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Karma: 12
why would you want ot watch it on a small screen when you can watch it on a big screen.
i miss my old screen name
Posts: 1431
Karma: 12
free PSPs on my sig, grab one and watch tbc on it!
Posts: 1023
Karma: 21
how do you rip it to a ipod?
Posts: 67
Karma: 10
"Rippin" a DVD IS illegal if the disc has CSS which almost all commercial releases have. Period. You are circumventing the digital copy protection which is illegal under the Digital Millenium Copyright Act whether you bought it or even if you created the disc yourself and put digital copy protection on it yourself. Is it logical or right? Doesn't matter, it's the law now. "Fair Use"? No such thing anymore if the content has any kind of digital rights management. I don't back the law, but that's the deal.
Ripping the DVD is only the first step to getting to a PSP. You will need other software to recompress it to the PSP format which isn't MPEG2 like DVDs. Then you will need to put in on a memory stick ($200 for 2gigs). So, you didn't spend $0, but $200, you technically broke the law, you have a copy that you'll need to erase if you want to watch something else, you spent a crap ton of time on it, you wound up with a recompressed copy since DVDs are already compressed and you don't have any of the bonus materials, so Boohooo, not booya.
Posts: 2022
Karma: 23
thank you.
i hate the retards who start defending our rights.
have you ever read the millenium copyright act?
do you have any idea how infringed we are as americans?
RIPPING YOUR OWN DVD'S ONTO YOUR OWN COMPUTER IS IN FACT ILLEGAL. God... why are you all so ignorant... why do you think dvd xcopy can no longer rip regular dvd's?
because the american government is more concerned with protecting the wallets of big businesses rather than protecting the rights of the citizens.
even tough you own that dvd you really have no right to it... in theory the studios could come to your house and take it from you if they wanted to.
Posts: 67
Karma: 10
Never said I agreed with it. But it is the current law of the land. I work for a studio, though not "Hollywood" and I personally don't think the DMCA is doing us any favors, OTOH all the copies that are being made out there are impacting sales. Could we strike a balance between real legitimate Fair Use and maintain a way for people to create movies and a make a living off them? Maybe, but DMCA ain't it.
I can tell you that we don't have fat wallets over here making snow and ski DVDs. The filmmakers don't have fat wallets either. Maybe some of the "Hollywood" guys do, but it sure ain't most of us.
People should really start paying attention to what is actually happening instead of what they think is happening.
Posts: 11976
Karma: 296
Posts: 67
Karma: 10
Oh, we're doin it. It's a done deal. We're in the production phase right now and should have emulation real soon, then it's just a couple weeks to the shelves once we make sure there aren't any bugs.
Posts: 806
Karma: 148
is it illegal if you make a copy for yourself? i mean, you have paid for the dvd, if you want it on your psp for yourself then i don't see the problem. like is it wrong of me to burn copies of all my ski movies and put to side incase one of the dvds brakes or something?
Posts: 9956
Karma: 18
everything is fucking illegal, who cares. Everyday I'm sure I break 50 or more laws. It's cool they are doing this, we'll have to wait and see if it's worth it. I don't know anyone with a psp, but I'm not in high school either.
Posts: 10166
Karma: 55
hell i'd buy it and i dont even own a psp
Posts: 67
Karma: 10
Yes. It is illegal. Anytime you use any software that circumvents the copy protection it is illegal. Once again, it's the result of the DMCA and it doesn't matter if you bought it or not, or if you're just going to copy it and never even watch it or sell it, as soon as you rip the DVD you've broken the law. Are you going to go to jail for it? Probably not, but then again the record companies sued a bunch of teenagers for downloading music so who knows.
Posts: 67
Karma: 10
I know most people don't own PSPs, but we're doing this for the people who do own them obviously. Something in the millions right now. How sick would it be to be able to watch Teddybear Crisis at full quality on the ride up to the mountain or when you're sitting around far from home?
The other thing is that we've heard that Sony will be releasing a bunch of DVD/UMD players soon that won't just be the PSP game system, but be able to plug into the TV as well.
Should be pretty cool.
Posts: 1939
Karma: 910
Posts: 103
Karma: 25
Illegal or not, I smoke pot
so I'm gonna rip shit to my video ipod too.
I have a powerbook so I use a program called Handbrake.....if you have a PC, google "rip dvd to ipod" and I'm sure you'll find something. if you have a mac and need a hand lemme know.
someone asked why you'd watch on a small screen? well, I do watch all my stuff on my big screen tv....but when i'm not home and want to kill time, i just whip out my ipod and there is my video to watch.
Posts: 5522
Karma: 13
Posts: 7479
Karma: 15
ripping a DVD is NOT illegal buddy. ripping a DVD for distribution is ILLEGAL.
you can rip as many copies as you want for your own use. as can u with a CD.
so ripping a DVD and then putting it on YOUR PSP is LEGAL. for the reason that it is still in your posession.
if you were to make copies and then sell or distribute to a friend, then yes that is ILLEGAL
know that laws before you post like a immature teen that you are.
Posts: 1431
Karma: 12
dont you understand, Dandoy, that bragging about all the laws you break makes you much more harsh than those who keep it to themselves. G-UNIT!...
Posts: 1177
Karma: 45
actually you can make a copy of anything at the most three times then it is illegal and they can fine you.
i tried to make some copieds for my team off of i tunes and it wouldn't let me copie any more after three
Posts: 5522
Karma: 13
Word... Today I stole a used pencil from my unsuspecting classmate! Hee-hee!
Posts: 753
Karma: 9
rednecks who know shit about law piss me off. i'm not saying that you are one but that is usally the case. also uniformed teenagers who heard somehting from someone about what's illegal
Posts: 4595
Karma: 506
Sick, I'll be buying that (i have a PSP)
Posts: 4008
Karma: 143
Posts: 617
Karma: 8
well it would be kind of dumb if you bought it and you didnt have psp. Wouldnt it??
Posts: 67
Karma: 10
The iTunes copy limitation has absolutely nothing to do with "ripping" DVDs. A DVD with CSS copy protection on it cannot be ripped legally because in doing so you are circumventing the CSS copy protection which is illegal under the DMCA, end of story.
Sheesh. This is getting tiresome. Everybody thinks they know something about the law, but this is a very specific law that was passed a few years ago in the US to make copying DVDs and other electronic copy protected files illegal. Before that most personal copying of video using VCRs and photocopiers and cameras was protected under the Fair Use clause of the copyright acts which allowed it. If not for the DMCA, you would still be able to make a backup copy of the DVD you bought if you weren't going to sell it or sell the original to someone else after making the backup, but now that there is a law that makes it illegal to defeat the copy protection (which you have to do in order to rip it) it is now illegal. Will you go to jail? Probably not, but it is illegal.
Posts: 67
Karma: 10
We should have it done and in stores right before Christmas. I'll post a thread when we start shipping to stores.
Posts: 4595
Karma: 506
Look, shut up if you have nothing to say.
you've been jibbed.
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