Well. this year, me and my buds are 16, and we have cars (some of us) We have been wanting to do an urban rail, but ' hey mom, were gonna go do urban rails' really never worked. anyway, we went down in the parkinglot of a church, and unloaded the truckfull of snow we had. it was a sweet little setup, but we didn't have enough speed to hit the rail, cause it was like a meter high. im pissed now cause i thought of an awsome way to do a tow in. a well, its definatly more intimidating than a park rail by about 10 times. ahh well, we have to make a trip a little further away next time and find some better ones.
'about 15-20 minutes after i'd started pushing, the thing came out of my ass. I felt so relieved i started to cry. now here's the funny part. Because the shit was so hard and so big, after it was out my body went into shock. I turned all clamy, my clothes and my body were soaked in sweat, and i started to shiver and spasm uncontrollably. I just sat back on the pot and decided to wait it out. I sat on the fuckign toilet for over an hour with sweat forming a puddle on the floor, and me feeling like i'd been shoved under snow with no clothes on.' Crystaline Skier