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State of drug use in america
Posts: 819
Karma: 10
i think if the government researched illegal drugs and found a way to make them safe, and then made them legal it would cut down a lot of deaths and crime (in my opinion)
Posts: 1343
Karma: 11
if it was legal, not many people would do it
Posts: 1343
Karma: 11
who am I kidding, everyone would do it
Posts: 11256
Karma: 428
I think if they treated marijuana the same as alcohol or tobacco it would be fine. They could just state that you could not drive while under the influence of it, have a legal age, sell it in little packs or whatever....it's just a waste of money to hire thousands of people to catch 2% of drug smuggling.
Posts: 7038
Karma: 639
i find it amazing how the states is so gung-ho about pot. yeah its a drug but honest to god, is it worth life in jail?
Posts: 575
Karma: 10
is what worth life in jail, who is going to life in jail for pot?
Posts: 7540
Karma: 59
yeh man i knwo what u mean...i think pot will be legalized soon.....like for good...just rememebr, at one time, it was illegal to dirnk or even have alocohol in yuor possesion...so eventually it will be legal
Posts: 1044
Karma: 31
i doubt pot will be legal for a while
Posts: 8068
Karma: 43
peope have ben saying this for years
that is the only reason it is not legal.
Posts: 575
Karma: 10
sir holland you have proven over and over again you know nothing about drugs, so why dont you stop posting in these threads?
Posts: 3087
Karma: 11
I'm pretty sure with time things will change. Pot is now legal in Denver, or at least decriminalized.
Posts: 7540
Karma: 59
Posts: 1044
Karma: 31
^^ its only a matter of months before the govt. cuts funding for denver's roads and forces them to criminalize it again. its happened before, just with an 18 yr old drinking age
Posts: 1440
Karma: 21
Posts: 6520
Karma: 20
there's no way to make drugs safe. thats why drugs are drugs. they fuck with your brain chemistry and let you create your own reality. what's safe about that? if you want to do something that if safe, eating a banana. making drugs safe would entail altering chemical equations and then drugs wouldnt be drtugs. how old is sir holland and the creator of this thread?
Posts: 662
Karma: 10
i dont know why but that was hilarious about the bannana
Posts: 7540
Karma: 59
come on man are u serious? yes i TOTALLY AGREE WITH YOU...on the fact that durgs fuck you up...but alcohol is a drug...so is caffeine...alcohol at one time was totally banned (prohabition) in like early 1920s(ish)...im just saying i think one day it wont be illegal to smoke weed. im not saying like shrroms and all that shit...no way in fucking hell is that shit going to be leagl...but weed...i think one day will
Posts: 285
Karma: 16
Posts: 6562
Karma: 107
Posts: 1854
Karma: 10
all drugs should be legalized. why the fuck should our tax dollars go to filling prisions with addicts? last time i checked someone on heroin isn't a threat to anyone but themselves. there's no way that the police can crack down on all of the drug manufacturing because you can make your own at home with just simple medications. it's a waste of money.
Posts: 819
Karma: 10
Posts: 2093
Karma: 477
in many serious cases a drug dealer will get more then someone who takes another life, and almost always more then someone who molests a child. pretty fucked up huh?
our criminal system is completely fucked up and we lock aways massive amounts of drug users and dealers creating a strain on the entire society. if the goverment would just realize how fucked they are and legalized it, researched it, and sold the real stuff with real research to back it up then there would be a lot less trouble.
Posts: 95
Karma: 10
^ that is the most ridiculous thread ever... your pretty much saying that the government should "research" drugs more (like extensive studies on all drugs haven't be already done all over the world) and then produce drugs and sell them to the public accompanied by a brochure that tells the person how dangerous it is or not.
this is the most stupid comment.....I can not be bothered to write more though explaning whys thats so stupid...
why cant people just not deal drugs....its as simple as that....just don't sell them.
drug dealers only want good money quickly beacause they cant be bothered to get a real job....sorry I just don't care about them going to jail for a long time.
If you want to see harsh look at Indonesia or Singapore where poeple are about to be hung or killed via firing squad for dealing drugs..
look at it like this....drug dealers make it possible to ruin the lives of many poeple and their families.....why should they be treated nicely....
but on another point....if you rape or molest children...you should be shot in the head without a trial....those poeple are fucked in the head.
Posts: 95
Karma: 10
"i think if the government researched illegal drugs and found a way to make them safe, and then made them legal it would cut down a lot of deaths and crime (in my opinion)"
my opinion is that drugs are not safe no matter what you do to them...if something can give you a chemical "high" than it is imposing some funky stuff on you brain.
the fact that drugs are in most cases unnatural mean that they are unhealthy.
you can't make some thing healthy and safe that is not in anyway...im sure a chemist will support this theory.
Eduaction is what is needed to show that people don't need drugs in live....why do we all assume that drugs are required in society.
Education combined with punishment for those who use it and support it is what is requried to get rid of drugs for future generations.
Posts: 719
Karma: 11
dont critisize it leagalize it
Posts: 2193
Karma: 27
depending on how you do it, eating a banana could be very dangerous. i mean if you just try to shove one down your throat then you will most likely choke.
its actually alot like drugs. if you try to snort an 8-ball of coke in one sitting you will most likely OD.
and for that matter you can destroy yourself just as easily with legal drugs like alchohol and tobbacco.
i personally believe it should be up to the individual person to learn about what their doing and determine if its safe or not. it shouldnt be the governments responsibility to gauge the safety of personal choices, and they should never have taken that responsibility into their own hands.
Posts: 4120
Karma: 41
immortal technique man...
Posts: 552
Karma: 11
I don't smoke but I still think they should legalize marijuana. Just because ive heard stories about people getting some weed and smoking it without knowing that there's pcp or some shit in it and going insane and killing themselves (don't say I don't know what im talking about i know a specific person who this happened to)If marijuana was legalized it would cut down crime and take a large source of money away from dealers who might be selling other hard drugs. I also think if marijuana was legal, it would take away its danger as a 'gateway' drug. Because its already illegal some kids think its not a big step to go from weed to shrooms or acid or shit. But if its legal people won't be as quick to take up other illegal substances.
Posts: 6562
Karma: 107
Posts: 1598
Karma: 9
weed in some ways is better than alcohol in my mind
Posts: 622
Karma: 30
the war on drugs is a fucking joke.
Drugs will continue to be illegal because the american gov. / cia are the biggest drug dealers in the world!!!!They make trillions of tax free dollars from illegal drug trade and they arn't gonna give it up.
Do some research for your self , don't just repeat the bullshit printed in your daily newspaper or the latest "facts" from good morning america.
Posts: 540
Karma: 12
this foreign exchange student from italy said that pot and stuff is illegal but it is looked past, and that its not a huge deal, also they don't have curfews and they can drink when they are 16, and they don't have problems with it so i think that if our country was mor eunderstanding about it it wouldn't be as big of a deal, and there wouldn't be huge problems within our country just because lets say the drinking age was lowered, or pot was legal
Posts: 2320
Karma: 27
Who are you gonna buy your weed from if your dealer stops selling?
Posts: 1330
Karma: 13
or would making it legal make it easier to gat a hold of weed, making it a more effective gate way drug.
Posts: 3631
Karma: 27
the only way the government is gonna legalize that shit is if every fucking state has 50% or more of its people demanding it. Also, if they can figure out a way to tax it then they would make it legal. think about it, if they sold pot like they sell ciggarettes and tax it they would make a fucking killing!
Posts: 2265
Karma: 26
wow dude did you seriously say heroin addicts are only a threat to themselfs??? for one the steal and rob people for money.... two they prostitute themselfs for money.... and three they help spread diseases so please please dont say something like that again.
Posts: 1748
Karma: 16
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Karma: 3,087
Americans are prone to overdoing shit. Thats why they have to raise the ages for smoking and drinking and everything is illegal. In other countries, getting completely plastered or blazed is not a mass problem, so they dont have to deal with it.
Posts: 12485
Karma: 17
making drugs safe is about as possible as alchemy
Posts: 352
Karma: 10
Right on! Seeing how reps have nested their asses safley in the big white house
Posts: 290
Karma: 10
I think the bigger problem has to deal with Americas economics. Everything in our world is derived from an idea we call money. We have no real finacial backing for the cash tghat we carry around in our pockets. We used to of coarse because our money use to represent gold bullion that we could collect freom the goverment. So really if you want to make drugs legal first devise a plan to fix certain economical problems, the first being homeless and people without work. To give these people jobs the goverment would have to create certain new goverment funded projects. This could be as simple as more road construction crews to fix all those damn potholes. (Roosevelt did this during his presidency, simple economics) This would in turn create a larger cash flow and pump more money into the economics of America. Thus since there are no more hobos, property value goes up. As we then begin to tip the scale back towards a recesion we would need new jobs once again. This time introduce the idea of safe Mary Jane which would be put into somesort of category to help the war on our own stupid economic problems. More jobs more money easier to pay back our social dept. In order for someone to allow you to do something like grow smoke etcetra, a larger position of power must recieve something much bigger in return. So basicly untill we get our first "grateful dead" president or someone with a very large chuck of change we will probably never see. Those damn cotton growers!!
Posts: 84
Karma: 10
we should just kill the gov
Posts: 21362
Karma: 5,145
Posts: 7479
Karma: 15
hey well thats the american government for you... spend more money on stopping it... i beleve around 11 billion a few years ago, yet more and more people are picking it up so it just cancels out all of that.
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