someone got me started on this and through my own experience i thought it deserved its own thread. recently i went to go buy an oakley incubator jacket off since my local ski shiop diodnt have one, in fact neither did all of ottawa or the oakley rep here. So neways i figured my last resort would be But to my surprise they were sold out too, its funny how they could be sold out of 95% of ALL their jackets when the ski season hasnt started yet. So thinking this was just a mistake on the website i gave them a call and they told me 'yeah man we are all sold out our stuff just goes out like crazy'... now thinking like ANY business should, if they are selling out of stuff like 'crazy' mostr demand=moreproduction. But i dont think they realize this.... someone told me 'yeah they shoulsdnt make a lot of their products cause then it just wouldnt be oakley' yeah well why do they mass produce their goggles and eyewear stuff bud? neways i tihnk its stupid and if someone wants an oakley product they should be able to sell it to you, especially when it is this early in the season...
What the hell were they doing with a car on the moon?... havent they gone far enough?