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Should i kick the shit out of this kid?
Posts: 8188
Karma: 38
alright my girlfriends family and this kids family go to park city together. now i have hated this kid for god knows how long but whatever. so one night in the hot tub this kid makes a move on my gf. like a real move grabbing and shit. he uses his corny line like " What happens in park city, stays in park city" so anyway my gf wont let me kick his ass cause there families are good friends
newschoolers i go to you...what should i do??
Posts: 1142
Karma: 11
Kick his ass, just make sure she doesn't know about it until after its happened.
Posts: 780
Karma: 47
do you even have to ask? destroy that bitch!
Posts: 8188
Karma: 38
thing is this kid is a little bitch and would tell his mom... oh yeah his is 17 too
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actually he is 18 i am 19
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what a dick, i think you should confront him thats not cool, if you dont want to fight him atleast give him a scare
Posts: 3090
Karma: 35
make a moveon his mom and see how he like that shit
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Posts: 8188
Karma: 38
it sucks cause this was last march and the topic keeps coming up casue of their families being good friends and shit and she flat out refuses to let me do anything about it. and i just cant let that shit go
Posts: 1142
Karma: 11
Alls fair if both of you are over 18. This chick was pissing me off so I slapped her and then she hit back and we got in this huge bitch fight but I didn't get in any trouble because I was 16 and she was 19. It was tight she got arrested and all this shit and now assult is on her record.
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all i know is that my teachers told me in grade 3 that you should talk to a parent or your principal
Posts: 8188
Karma: 38
well like everyone on his family has some kind life threating disease besides him
Posts: 384
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Posts: 1358
Karma: 12
Make a move on him, like touch his butt or something. That outta freak him out.
Posts: 3090
Karma: 35
hhah ya and hell never come back ever again and he will never be seen
Posts: 2320
Karma: 27
thats why all you people are in jail
Posts: 1053
Karma: 103
i would have beaten the shit out of that douchebag. anyone touching someone elses gf in a hottub deserves some mad knuckles. and since you dont like the guy i dont see a problem.
Posts: 8188
Karma: 38
except for my girlfriend would be extremely pissed cuase she thinks that the famlies are going to get all pissed at eachother
Posts: 3090
Karma: 35
male it look like he had sum kind of acedent and then everyone is happy
Posts: 1579
Karma: 10
kick his ass but it seems like you think you cant cuz your gf will kill you. so dont. either way it was last march and you havent done anyting about it by now...
Posts: 1322
Karma: 33
that is so fucked up! you gotta do something, blindfold him then kick the shit out of him so he doesn't know who did it.
Posts: 7549
Karma: 14
get over it dude. if you trust your girlfriend then you and her should be having a good laugh about this douchebag that tries hitting on her.
Posts: 8188
Karma: 38
there was more then just hitting on... his hands went places they shouldnt have
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Karma: 27
then why didn't she slap him?
Posts: 8188
Karma: 38
i asked the very same question
Posts: 5337
Karma: 98
i'd say you should definitely do something about it. kick his ass, poison him, something.
Posts: 2320
Karma: 27
cut off his feet so he cant ski
Posts: 3735
Karma: 15
I made the mistake of having sex with my friends gf. he didnt do anything to me tho. I just made the mistake by ruing our friendship I guess. I was drunk tho what can I say 151 is some good shit.
Posts: 1142
Karma: 11
Why didn't you go to PC with them?
Posts: 412
Karma: 10
you gotta beat his ass with out her finding out it was you.
Posts: 4935
Karma: 173
why would the families get pissed at eachother because you kicked his ass
one problem i see is that if he ends up beatin the shit out of you because the sun was in your eyes or something then you would be in a world of embarasmant and shame from both your family and yur girlfreind
Posts: 8188
Karma: 38
there is no way that would happen... this kid is a little bitch and with the amount of anry and pure hatred for him i feel that i could beat his ass with both hands tied behind my back
Posts: 2247
Karma: 63
i wont beat around the bush or chick pprolly fucked the shit out of him. she likes him cause his dick is bigger than yours and gets it on the side that is why she doesnt want you to kick his ass. so guess what buddy strap on a sack and knock that fucker out
Posts: 848
Karma: 24
^ exactly just go do it man...walk up 2 him tell him that u did not like him touching ur girl..and then? cock ur fist back and lay him the fuck OUT! haha yea...
Posts: 8188
Karma: 38
she keeps telling me to forget about it....but i cant let this bitch get away with it. am i crazy or should i feel this way?
Posts: 2797
Karma: 1,804
dude how good would it feel to CLAP HIS MONKEY ASS. you gotta live ur shit, if ur not gonna do it cuz ur gf, then u are pussy whipped. i think that sounds right....
Posts: 9984
Karma: 19
hes right, what happens in park city stays in park city
and by the way, anyone can kick a guys ass with their fist, it takes a smart person to destroy them with words
Posts: 3861
Karma: 490
Posts: 1092
Karma: 34
just hit him with a pellet gun a few times from far away... and then yell... quietly 'think about why you head is hurting' and then he won't do it again and you don't get in trouble
Posts: 5606
Karma: 195
Well you should have when it happened. It's been like half a year know and if you kick his ass now everyone will be like what the fuck, that was old news.
Posts: 2706
Karma: 12
dude shes still with you right? fuck him. theres no need to kick his ass. Confront him and tell him you know about what happened on your girlfriends family trip. Assure him that if this ever goes down again you will have his balls. Really tell him hes disgusting for treating your girlfriend the way he did and that your girlfriend can believe how gross he is. Act super disgusted not mad. Make sure this is in front of his friends. Now this dude is gonna be angry so if he swings he swings. Take the first punch and then you can act in self defense. If there is not punches thrown walk away. you won no matter how you look at it.
Posts: 9984
Karma: 19
^that dudes right, you might teach him a lesson if you act all disgusted
Posts: 15174
Karma: 480
bingo... this man has it.
Posts: 1529
Karma: 11
kick the shit out of him but make sure it is taped so we can see a fight!!!!!
Posts: 1852
Karma: 45
strodes wisdom strikes again, you should be on her side joking about what a fool he is to think that punk even had a shot with her.
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