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Absinth Films: Future Proof
Posts: 6783
Karma: 23
Did anyone see this movie?
They hit some crazy gaps, one in Alaska on a big mountain, the in-run was rediculous, and the gap was waaay gnarlier than Chad's, and it was on a MOUNTAIN!
Then they found a new gap in Utah, it looked at least as big as Chad's with way more consequence.
If you get the chance, check this movie out.
Posts: 2926
Karma: 983
they always hit the biggest jumps
Posts: 3123
Karma: 231
marry ellen gap, and no its not bigger than chads
people gotta stop making threads about futureproof and how its the best thing ever, Its good but i mean, you obviously havent been watching snowboard movies the past few years or have seen TBC.
Posts: 1539
Karma: 90
ive seen TBC and i definatley think 219472390157439857982347 threads on futureproof would be ok. absinthe makes the dopest mvovies, their epicness cannot truly be quantified, especailly not by any of you little bitches
Posts: 737
Karma: 289
Actually, I think a lot of people on here realize how far ahead snowboarding movies are. Are you implying that TBC is comparable to Futureproof? That would make you very confused. And wrong.
Posts: 1991
Karma: 14
I didn't think the Futureproof trailer was that impressive.
Posts: 1790
Karma: 13
^SNAP......how bout some kinda life....HOLLA!!!
Posts: 3123
Karma: 231
Yes i am implying that tbc is comparable to futureproof. please enlighten me to why it is not.
Posts: 737
Karma: 289
I'm not saying anything about TBC in relation to other ski movies, so don't get the wrong impression. You see, it's all subjective, but Snowboarding is walking all over skiing right now. Bigger jumps, more diversity of jumps, more athletes, more creativity coming from athletes (and general nastiness), better cinematographers, and movie makers in general. Need I go on? Anyone who has wathched both skiing and snowboarding movies for the past few years or longer can easily back me up on this. Assuming they're not wrong. Like you are. Ya dig?
Posts: 15350
Karma: 311
Posts: 3123
Karma: 231
Well, yes snowboarding is ahead as a sport, im not trying to make a ski vs snowboarding argument here, but more what i mean is cinematography wise, and production wise Teddybear crisis is definetly comparable to any absinthe film. The camera work is amazing, the editing is amazing the soundtrack is excellent, and it flows very nicely.
I'm comparing the movies not the sports
Posts: 737
Karma: 289
But you're talking about completely subjective things here. I personally think that Royalty has the best soundtrack and flow of any ski movie ever made. But I wouldn't compare it to TBC in terms of athleticism. Just like TBC, s6, and WAR don't compare to Futureproof, or even Afterbang, which came out 4 years ago. Afterbang has better soundtrack, editing, and content than any ski movie made yet. While we're talking opinions, I'm gonna throw that out there.
Posts: 1388
Karma: 24
watch the actual movie, it will blow your mind. nicolas mullers section is so dope, i quit skiing after watching it
Posts: 3123
Karma: 231
I would not put TBC in the same category as war quality wise, thats just not right.
The overall production of tbc is a whole new level for ski movies, all of a sudden it is on the level with the big guns of snowboard movies, no longer just "good for a ski movie"
but like you said this is subjective so i'll leave it at that , I'm gonna go ride now.
Posts: 6783
Karma: 23
They are hitting such bigger stuff than in any ski movies. The biggest stuff skiers do, is the norm now in snowboarding. And they'll do a switch 7 off of what would be a HUGE straight air for a skier. Plus the variety of locations, of jumps, the new gaps, the Japan big mountain stuff, the huge Euro competitions; Snowboard videos are just incredible compared to ski vids right now.
Posts: 3842
Karma: 192
they are the guys that did pop right. ya, pop was a super cool movie and i want to see the next one. was the big half pipe gap in it
Posts: 6783
Karma: 23
Ya, it was in it, but it was the least spectacular of the gaps they hit.
Posts: 2607
Karma: 123
It's all part of the Status quo fellas. The only way it will change is through violent and bloody revolution. The Proletariot must overthrow the Bolsheviks in a violent struggle between the upper and lower classes. These people will be known as Communists. Those who negotiate change through peaceful negotiations are known as Social Democrats.
Oh yeah, Snowboarding is ahead, get over it guys. They were 7 years ahead, then they were six. We stepped up to being 4 years behind them because we started putting pretty ladies in our magazines. Now we are stuck in at about 2-3 years behind. Next year will be probably about 2 and half years behind. We will be stuck in a rutt until we are accepted as being part of the Status Quo. It will take some more time, but we may get there.
Oh yeah, Absinthe Films are Dope. POP was better than a hefty load of pancakes.
TBC(Y) Hahhaha (frozen yogurt).... Was super good, it may be 2 years behind. Good times guys, good times.
Posts: 7549
Karma: 14
you kiddies wish you could make rippin good posts like this one. rock on bruv.
Posts: 5062
Karma: 424
Well we are on the subject, Robotfood was way better.
Posts: 4737
Karma: 1,096
kris ostness makes everything, he made play doh and agent orange and the care bears
Posts: 1038
Karma: 26
Gigi's overshoot to the flat lake....intense!! How far do you think that was to flat?
Maybe everyone knows this already but... if you hit the enter button right when the little cartoon dude appears on the lower right corner of the screen, you get some behind the scenes extras on that particular location. If you miss it and try to rewind back and do it, you'll get busted.
Posts: 1790
Karma: 13
derelictica...... boo yah....also my comment was to Ldowny that guy just beat me to the post skiingis fucking lame compared to snowboarding plain and simple
Posts: 1034
Karma: 60
That was gnarly gnarly gnarly, probably at least 100 feet. But he got up and walked out of it, probably the most intense section of the video.
And Mueller, absolutely insane riding, he blows pretty much everyone out of the water. I also liked the Nyvelt part and probably four continents of traveling into 3 minutes.
Posts: 2706
Karma: 12
Looking at ski and snowboard movies as 2 seperate groups, ski videos are fairly close to the generic snowboard vid. Its movies made by the guys like Absinthe or the old Robot Food that push snowboard videos above and beyond. The movies portray a sense of adventure and friendship. Especially the robot food videos, they made wanting to go and ski and board os much more fun because the guys in the video were having such a great time. I think thats kinda like what whiteshine is trying to do as well as TBC with the tanner interview and the jon and dumont lifestyle footy. Skiers just take themselves to seriously. Snowboarders used to as well. What each sport does is super intense but the reason we ride is for fun and to hand with our friends. The way skiing will have to go to make movies like that is outta the "hard-core gangsta phase" or shooting hand gestures at cameras and reppin crews to riding as groups and having a good time. Our founders, JP, Douglas, Shane, Vinnie, Seth, McConkey etc. etc. dont front shit. They ride and watching there segments really shows you how much they love skiing and ho much fun they are having. Crews have gotta go, and the whole gangsta image has got to go. Ride with friends not with a wannabe gang of thugs.
Posts: 1583
Karma: 9
I would say TBC was a HUGE step up to the snowboard movies, but still behind i have to admit. We def. needed TBC no after watching the same ski movies over and over with nothing new expect the skiing it self. I want to say thank you to Henrik Rostrup and Kris Ostness for finaly bringing something creative and new to ski movies
Posts: 4380
Karma: 772
i thought you said soundtrack was subjective? On top of that, futureproof isnt even that impressive compared to other snowboard movies this year, your shits outta line.
Posts: 737
Karma: 289
Yeah, and you are obviously better qualified. What I'm saying is that it's all subjective; what kind of music you like, editing style, it's all a matter of opinion. As for comparing Futureproof to other snowboarding movies, that's not what I hope to accomplish. I'm comparing its content to every ski movie which came out this season, and I'm pretty fucking sure that it's better than all of them. I mean, Romain lands a switch 1080 in the backcountry without putting a hand down. So before you say my "shits outta line", just remember that I'm only trying remind skiers how far we still are behind snowboarding. We may be bridging this gap quickly, but we can always look at snowboarding flicks for inspiration (or just a good kick in the ass).
Posts: 6836
Karma: 22
kind of depressing but true^. i think well bridge things a little bit more in the upcomming years. i think the switch 9's and what not in the bc last year were a step in the right direction for skiing. we just need to go a lil bigger and we need a couple of pros to step up to....or near(impossible?) to rices level and just start thrown crazy shit down.
Posts: 6561
Karma: 1,375
Posts: 4569
Karma: 104
isnt futur proof a snowboarding movie
Posts: 294
Karma: 10
That it is...and it's sick too. I've bought booter crunk, echo, war, and should have hit list coming soon...there is no question that Futureproof is leaps and bounds better than any of them. As has been said already, these guys are hitting enormous gaps and stepdowns, getting super creative with natural jibs, and in general just going huge. To be honest, I find that Futureproof goes in the DVD player far more than any ski movie that I own (15+ at this point) If you haven't seen it, check it out you will be seriously impressed with what's in the movie.
Posts: 6897
Karma: 1,878
unfortunately we have to deal with MSP TGR and Warren miller... do you honestly think any jibber in those movies are proud of their segments? its total garbage, those companies add those companies add those segments to boost sales and meet a quota, not to make movies like future proof is doing
Posts: 10166
Karma: 55
thats sounds sic' i hadnt even herd of it till' now.
Posts: 6897
Karma: 1,878
and the funny thing is all the money in the ski movie industry is being sucked in by those companies, while the money in the snowboard film industry is making futureproof, from___with love, and other movies where the companies are making snowboarding look sick, sticking with a sick group of riders and showing their talent on real jumps and huge creative shit
Unlike MSP TGR, who grab the freshest face that fits their sponsor line up, get em a couple days worth of shots, and slipping it bewteen some big mountain segments to make the jibbers want to watch
Posts: 1458
Karma: 847
Snowboarding might be ahead in jibbing and backcountry kickers, but it is not ahead in big mountain. Anyone who has ever lived at squaw or jackson can tell you that. One a big day at squaw, the vast majority of the sick lines thrown down are done by skiers. No snowboarder has ever done schmidiots, which Scott Schmidt first did in 1983. Many skiers have done that line, including a bunch in april and may of 2003 who were not even famous. Landing backwards is much easier on a snowboard than on skis, but skis are better for straightlining, billygoating, or tearing apart big mountain faces. And what about skiing lines when conditions are not perfect. Skiers kill snowboarders at ripping steeps in dicy snow. There is alot more to the mountain than spinning off of kickers and sliding rails. I liked futureproof though, great movie. Gigi's part was sick, as was Kurt Wastell's.
Posts: 2033
Karma: -3
Futureproof is complete crap compared to pop yer bottlez. How can snowboarding compete against 8th grade level camera work and editing by a drunk whigger? They can't, all snowboard videos will start copying PYB next year. The future is here now and I have seen.
Posts: 95
Karma: 80
[quote]And what about skiing lines when conditions are not perfect. Skiers kill snowboarders at ripping steeps in dicy snow.[/quote]
So true. But kids don't understand this as they watch movies about perfect conditions all the time.
People need to worry less about image and get out a bit more...:)
Posts: 13809
Karma: 92
well, do you think its feasible to compare skiers to snowboarders in terms of switch progression? with snowboarders, its a question of sides, and they quikly get as good switch as regular. with skiers, its completely different, im sure you know. so you can't really compare tricks, though its true they throw down so much over bigger gaps than any skier, double cork 10 over pyramid lasy year, i mean whaa?
Posts: 149
Karma: 46
Hear hear. That's 100% accurate.
I've never snowboarded and get every seasons ski vids, but there is no question snowboarding is farther ahead.
Posts: 22714
Karma: 76,758
I know this was an earlier post, but I just wanted to say that I agree with you to a percentile that is too large for our current number system.
Posts: 4625
Karma: 11
snowboarding movies never cease to amaze me
Posts: 1724
Karma: 13
do you really think skiers will ever be able to land as smoothly in the bc as boarders?
that's a serious question, not being a smartass. personally i don't see how it's possible, landing backwards on 2 boards that aren't connected, in powder, after a huge jump, and not looking a little squirrely compared to someone on a board.
Posts: 22714
Karma: 76,758
I think more skiers just have to realise that uber-fat skis are the way to go for this. Look at the people sucessfully landing switch in the BC:
All of them are riding skis bigger than 108 underfoot.
I don't know why anyone with tiny little bitch pow skis even tries.
Posts: 3278
Karma: 883
futureproof didnt do it for me...horrid music, sub par riding for the most part, i just wasnt into it.
derelictica was the best video of the year from what ive seen thus far id say...itd be worth it just for fredu and lauri's parts. plus joni malmi just kills it.
Posts: 13809
Karma: 92
which leads to the question: how much fatter can skis get, before its 2 snowboards seperated int he middle?
Posts: 737
Karma: 289
I do, because you have more stability with 2 skis instead of one board. the only problem is that it's a lot harder to see where you're going when you're riding switch through pow on skis. Once more skiers get to Pep and Mahre's level of switch pow skiing, shit will start changing quickly. Then we need some bigger kickers and bigger balls to do the 100 ft first hit 9's that Tanner stepped up to last year. When this happens, all you snowboard haters will really have something to laugh about. Personally, I'll still be watching snowboard movies because i expect they'll still be pushing it harder. Perhaps one day (if we don't slack off), newschool skiing will be just as popular as freestyle snowboarding. When skiing and snowboarding push eachother in unison, shit will really start to go down. It's our job to make that happen.
Posts: 6783
Karma: 23
I think it's very possible. A few years ago, no one even thought about doing 540s into powder.
Every pro skier should be able to do something switch in the backcountry. Imagine a pro snowboarder not being able to land switch in powder, he wouldn't be around for long.
And riding switch on a snowboard may be somewhat easier, but like Downey said, its mostly about not being able to see as well. It'll come in time.
Posts: 7549
Karma: 14
i don't know why all you people are on TBC's nuts. it's the most dissapointing movie i've seen so far this year. to even compare it to some of the snowboard flicks this year is just pathetic. what's so innovative about it? the music sucked (yeah i know subjective blah blah but it did), the editing was off beat, the same shots are in half the skiers segments, the intro (wtf?) and weeeeak music video (wtff?!?) were completely stupid and pointless, the flow is constantly interrupted, i could really go on and on about things that made me not really like TBC at all. unless their aim was to make a movie that was COMPLETELY inconsistent.....
tanner and jon's parts are the only thing that made the movie worth my money. war and S6 completely blow it away. in my own humble, subjective opinion of course.
Posts: 1790
Karma: 13
war was dope adn im angry that everyone is rippin on PYB it was dope as..not as good as WAR but close...it had a dope soundtrack and dope riders but hey i guess if you like rollerblading and 1 footers then its not for you(thats aimed at snowbladesforlife)
Posts: 4008
Karma: 143
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