My parents are divorced, and I live with my Dad. Both of my parents are really cool. My Dad pretty much lets me do whatever I want, as far as going out with people and whatnot. He also lets me smoke weed, but not drink. HE used to be an alcoholic and it was runing his life. He's told me before "If I still drank I don't know where we would be today."
My Dad takes real good care of me I guess. He bought me a car and shit. He feeds mem he makes some bomb food almost everynight, puts clothes on my back. he even puts my cell phone to my ear...
What I guess I'm trying to get at, is I have upmost respect for my Dad. I can definitley say I have a cool parent. Not all peoples parents are as accepting I guess as my Dad is to me.
All of you are probably like what the fuck? But what are your parents like?