army recruters are the slime of the earth. I mean people who join the army are as well, but recurters are the cream of the crap!
technically, the army recurters are not allowed to be inside the school. they can be outside but you coudl, if you really wanted to, get proof (pic maybe) and get him in trouble.
Army recruiters are similar to all other humans aiming to achieve their goals. They need young, able men and women to serve in the military that protects YOU. It may come as a shock, but we do need protection (no, we didn't need protection from Iraq) and we do need a strong, formidable military to maintain OUR way of life.
Stereotyping all the individuals in the military as slime (or at least the large majority) is pretty weak by itself, but what I find funny is that you associate with people in the military--I mean, you must right, since you have some much experience talking to all these veterans who are now doomed in their post military lives? So you associate with slime? Got it.
they use slimey evil tactics (lige giving out free shit, but that isnt nearly as bad as the fucking bullshit lies they tell about the army)
What lies (assuming "lige"=lie, of course) do they tell? That there are careers for individuals in the army? That's not a lie--there are careers for them. It may not be as good as the career you get going into college, but the probability is that the individuals who join the military wouldn't go to college anyways. Does that make them slime? No, it doesn't.
For the slightly more ignorant, they make the army seem like a great option after high school (I suppose for the very poor it is, but its still really shitty)
Before I get going again, are you categorizing all the military branches or just the Army? Cause you're interchanging them like they're the same and they are not.
Anyways, the Army, or any military branch, which at the very least writes you a check each month after you're out, is a good option for people when they get out HS. I'd rather have someone in the military doing something with their lives then just graduating HS to go to college and drop out or work some shit job or worse yet do nothing at all.
I hope this whole "military is evil" campaign you're on isn't tied into some broader idea about peace or ridding the country/planet of injustice.
They will ask you what you like, and no matter what it is, they will have a way of telling you that you can do whatever it is that you like in the army. It will mostlikley be a flat out lie (well, maybe not, but the truth will be twisted for sure).
Hmm, wonder why they're able to say that? Maybe it's because they CAN provide a role for just about ANYONE. Again, that's not a lie, as you stated when you started back pedalling after talking out of your ass, again. Furthermore, it's not twisted. They say "Yeah son, we got that in the army." Well, they do. How's that twisted?
On top of that, they tell you that after the army, you will have usefull skills to get a job with and thats just a big BULL FUCKING SHIT. First of all, many of the things they train you for have nothing to do with civilian life. I know a guy who was in the airforce. They told him he could get a job with an airliner. Calibrating an F16 (or whatever the fuck it was) he told me, is a shittload different then calibrating a 747. He said he may be able to get a job being a flight attendant, but that is about it.
Ok, we'll deal with this ONE EXAMPLE. I find it funny that you're basing your conclusions off of it, but that's another issue all together.
Did this individual perform well? Did he work hard for the more prestigeous mechanic position? Or did he just settle for what they slotted him with, hoping it'd be an easy way out? I'm not going to make assumptions about what he did or did not do, but regardless the military is not responsible for the lack of performance of those individuals it recruits.
A flight attendant? What the fuck does being a mechanic have to do with being a flight attendant? Is he going to fix a mechanical problem in flight or in his off time between serving me vodka while I watch my inflight movie?
On top of that, the way they train you is not very practical for a civilian job. For instance, in the army, lets say you are a Humvee mechanic. What they infact show you how to do is work on only a very small part of the Humvee so they can have a number of people working on it at once and it gets out into combat sooner. So now the war is done, and you know how to replace an exaust system on a millitary humvee and that is it. You really think a car repair shop is going to hire you if you only know how to do one thing?
Ok, this actually sounds semi-legitimate, but in the end, it's just too broad. Your example is crap, really, cause if a mechanic did learn how to fix a Hummer's exhaust he is guaranteed to have learned something else about the damn thing. In addition, if he's a mechanic, he perhaps has previous knowledge of automobiles. When the recruiter asks "So what do you want to do?" the guy who wants to be a physicist doesn't go "Shit I'd really like to replace exhaust systems on Hummers. Do you have a job doing that?" The guy wanted to fix automobiles. The military has automobiles that need fixing. The military has benefits (and drawbacks, as does every other job). Terrible, "slimey" decision, right?
Also, the quasi-validity of your statement is still no grounds for stereotyping an entire class of people as "slime" and it doesn't make recruiters bad people.
Also, as for the money they say they will govie you for college, thats a bunch of bullshit as well. they give you some, but not nearly as much as they say they are going to. Plus, it actually reduces your pay while you are in the army if you choose to get money for college.
I guarantee you the terms are clearly written in the contract. If it isn't, it's illegal and I would encourage those morons who didn't read the contract to file greivances and take it to court. No one is saying the military is perfect, but it's not an omni-potent evil either.
Again, you're generalizing. The amount of money they give you depends on what you sign up for.
overall, the US combat forces, atleast the leaders are really slimey shitty people
Wait, I thought they were all shitty people? Now it's just the leaders? And how are they shitty again? Getting people interested in a job they could do well at for a legitimate cause (protecting you and me and putting food on their table)is slimey?
ya doing something meaningful. gathering people to go kill and die :-)
Yes, we gather people to kill others, hopefully, for a just cause. All other modern nations do this too. Are you attempting to say killing people isn't meaningful? I'd say ending someone's life (or having yours ended) is about as meaningful as it gets.
All cynicism aside, the military stands as the protectors of our nation and if that requires killing people (again, not in Iraq) and dying, then that's what has to happen. That's the world you live in. When you figure out how to implement your pacifist agenda into a world full hostile mother fuckers let me know. I want to watch.
your ignorance amazes me. I dont care to server my country, when the people leading it are fuckheads. plus, going to Iraq, is in no way, serving my country. it is serving rich republicans so they can get cheap gas for the fucking SUVs.
Now, now--easy on the "ignorance" comments, Captain Hipocrisy. Afterall, who's slopping all military folk into one steaming pile of "slime?"
A lazy bum? I stand up for my oppnions; how does that make me lazy? true hippys have not existed since the 60s and 70s. I take showers, dont wear tiedye, dont smoke weed all the time, dont do other drugs.
I didn't accuse you of being hippie, so I won't respond to that.
Some of the conservatives on this site, I can atleast understand, and I atleast see how their oppnions are somewhat justified.
What does that have to do with anything? Were you attempting to make a comparison to the conservatives posting in this thread? If so, you forgot the rest of the sentence.
most advertising is a slimey tactic.
Getting people to buy shit is not slimey. Lying to people is. Nothing about the military's advertising campaign is dishonest. Join the military, get trained in something, get money for school, get to kill people, whatever it may be. They say what they offer and they say it in an appealing way. That's not dishonesty, that's rhetoric.
also, I have no doubt that plenty of people get great jobs out of the army, but there are some people that get completly screwed over. I have seen many situations, and know a few people. You sir are the one who is missinformed. I know what I am talking about, you dont!
Ah. See now you're totally fucked. You completely contradicted yourself. How am I suppose to believe anything you say if you can't keep your story straight? "Plenty" of people get good jobs? Hmm, a few minutes ago the whole military was getting bent over the recruiter's desk and sodomized. Which is it?
What are you giggling about, dipshit?
you can try but i doubt you'll get far. What good is it to leave a problem to someone else???
I concur. Leaving problems to others isn't a good idea. What are you doing to rid the world of these problems? Serious question. If you're taking action, all the power to you.
I am indeed not talking out my ass. this is actually a subject I know a little about. I taken a seminar on the subject, and I know plenty of people who were in the army during vietnam, are in the army now, or were in the army recently.
Uh oh, you took a seminar!? Shit, all that work for nothing. You got me, man. A seminar and knowing a few vets doesn't constitute a body of knowledge worthy of calling good men and women "slime," nor does it boost your credibility.
That guy who celibrated the fighter jets had just a few interesting stories. Perhaups you would like to here one. He was saying that the pilots would record their bombings on video and then watch them when they got back to base. They would have him watch them as well. These assholes would laugh at the scattered Iraqi body parts after a bombing, slap him on the back and tell him how good of a job he did on the calibration. How fucked up is that?
Well, it's morbid, yes. Their laughter is also a coping mechanism for those who feel badly. Their laughter is also a sign of joy at accomplishing their objectives. Their job is to blow people up. Some of them probably like it. If you wanna call it fucked up, that's fine. It's your definition to construct. But you have no fucking right to judge them.
how is it so contradictory to agree with a small part of what you said?
HUH? You contradicted one of your MAIN FUCKING POINTS. That's not a small part.
I like to think positivly about things, as I think many other people do as well.
Oh yeah, you're oozing positivity. Read your first post, man. That was perhaps the most negative, derogatory, and unfounded statement in the thread. At least the 14 year olds are just shit talking. Were you just baiting for a flame war (you got it) or are you really that contradictory that you'd post that and then claim to be "positive" a few posts later?
In review:
Your stereotyping all of the military as less people, especially recruiters, is just that--an overgeneralization used to simplify a complex issue that you don't fully understand. It's ok, it's a natural part of the human psychological process. Fortunately for the rest of us, we don't base our conclusions off of our stereotypes.
Not only did you NEGATIVELY stereotype a whole class of people and judge them as lesser than you, but you completely contradicted yourself on one of your MAJOR "arguments" (that military personnel cannot obtain jobs upon returning to civilian life).
To top it all off, your posts were a disgrace to the English language. I'm not perfect, but come on, man. How is anyone supposed to take any of your half truths seriously when it's not even written well?
What is it that you do for a profession? I'd like to see you tell the soldiers of this nation or the recruiters or anyone in the military that they're slimey people. I'm sure they'd have plenty of negative shit to say right back to you.
Just cause you know some vets whose military careers didn't translate to prosperity doesn't justify the bullshit you posted in this thread.