This is a business plan for my business class. I am actually going to start a business after I graduate. If you could please fill out this survey it would be greatly appriciated.
1.) How far would you travel to go purchase ski/snowboard equipment?
2.) What resort/mountain do you normally ski/snowboard at?
3.) How frequently do you purchase equipment or apparel?
4.) What type of skiing/snowboarding do you do (i.e. powder, park, freeride)?
5.) What brands of ski/snowboards would yo like to see in the store?
6.) What brand of apparel would you like to see in the store/
7.) Do you get your skis/snowboards mounted and tuned at a shop or do you do it yourself?
8.) When you walk into a store do you like being helped right away or do you like when people are standing in an area in the store wher the product is?
9.) Would you like a more traditional store (just the products) or a more home-feeling store (t.v.'s with movies, couches, food and drinks, and music)? Why or why not?
10.) Would you like to fully demo the equipment before you buy, so you know what you are getting?
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