alright so i just got a beater pair of madtrix 181 from coyote7716, good seller.
these are the 01's with the black center and grey band and white tips.
now im thinking of spraying these skis all black. not sure how long the spray will last, maybe a sharpie is in order...
the stencil that i was thinking of is icon from social distortion. a punk band. i don't listen to them. havn't given them a shot. but fuck it. i think they have a cool icon.
this is what i was planning on stenciling.
the stencil would be cut in half and one half would go on their respective ski.
im planning to do these like the moship layout with the skeleton at the tails.
maybe you may think its too much work but fuck it. i just find the layer now bland.
anyways yea or no. if it doesn't work out i can just spray or sharpy over the design.