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Pipe skiing in the Olypics
Posts: 1385
Karma: 749
I have an essay to write in class and I have chosen to write it on the history of pipe skiing and its future in the olympics. I would like to know what you educated people in skiing have to say about this topic, to see some good and bad points to possibly open my eyes to either add or take away from my essay.
Posts: 8188
Karma: 38
i think there was a thread about this already...so you can check that and see what you get
Posts: 18901
Karma: 75
no dude pipe skiing in the olympics is bad cause then pro skiers will have to stop smoking pot!!!
Posts: 812
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which definitely is a pretty good thing, drugs and sports dont belong together. and the olympics is gonna mean way more money and media coverage for us, so i cant really see any downs.
Posts: 2077
Karma: 25
^ exactly. Plus olympic coverage will bring legitimacy to our sport in a way the other competitions will never be able to do. The olympics is one of the the biggest most respected sporting ever. It would be an honor for part of our skiing movement to be in the olympics, not to mention how much it could help a young fast growing sprots such as skiing.
Posts: 71
Karma: 13
i hope that pipe will become olympic in vancouver but they should look that they get good judges (not FIS people) and i think it would be good if the pros would make some effort for it some shows or so on great events such as torino(i think there is a show planed but will somebody be there?) or maybe also on some of the big alpine races such as kitz or wengen or so i don't think that the olympics will be a competition for the x gmaes its something really different but it would be so good for the sport if it would turn into an olympic discipline
Posts: 1068
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I am pretty sure that the olympics is the biggest and most respected sporting event ever. but yeah, it would be real good for exposure for the sport.
Posts: 3517
Karma: 36
its a totally different aspect of skiing, it should be in.
Posts: 2077
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Posts: 18901
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but pro skiers can't ski good unless they smoke pot.
Posts: 296
Karma: 10
I think it will legitimize our sport, but unfortunatly will not have as much respect as the X Games. Perhaps in time.
Also, it seems to me that the IOC messes up with outdated rulings... aren't inverted tricks in the mogul comps still illegal? That is really lame.
Posts: 375
Karma: 10
Ha ha. Check your facts. Inverts are allowed in bumps. Compared to the olympics x-games gets very little respect in the sporting world. You win the x-games for skiing you get to be in a few mags maybe make a little money from your sponsors. Win the gold at the olympics and its Pert plus commercials and talk-show dates. Not to mention giant sposorship contracts. (other than pert plus)
Posts: 1382
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Posts: 833
Karma: 28
there is nothing wrong with pot, it stimulates some people and doesnt affect their performance (t hall) unlike alcohol. if people want to smoke it they should, and freestyle skiing would seem weird to be in the olympics, but i dont no its true that it would bring more money and media coverage into our sport.
Posts: 270
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Posts: 296
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I was talking more about people involved in the sport. I dont think that the winner of pipe in Olympics gets as much cred as the winner in X Games from people who actually particpate. For example I dont think that most people on NS watch a lot of the Olympics but I bet they are watching the X Games. Im agreeing with you really, I know the olympics are bigger (obviously) but I think within the Snowboarding and Newschool world, unfortunately most dont care but they should.
About the bumps, I was asking- didnt know. I knew that used to be the case. I was expressing concern that rules for pipe in olympics could be constraining rather than promoting innovation.
Posts: 1099
Karma: 55
Just go look in the K2 Skeeze magazine, they have an article about it
Posts: 2384
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There is no 'history' of olympic halfpipe skiing.
Posts: 1385
Karma: 749
i said pipe skiings history and its future for the olympics twatt
Posts: 939
Karma: 29
no they wouldnt they would have to spend 40 dollars on the drink that cleans your system thats all and the guy who said sports and drugs more specifically pot dont go together is an idiot
Posts: 11349
Karma: 2,333
well what did they used to say about half pipe snowboarding in the olympics and look where it is now
Posts: 13040
Karma: 1,419
way to call one of the best skier in the world an idiot..
Serisouly I dont see why you would need to get high before skiing.
I dunno about the olympics, judging is ALWAYS werid at the olympics, but well judging is werid at the x-games too.
I'd say it could be really cool but pipe skiers would have to create their own world cup circut that's not federated by the FIS so there would be no stupid shits happening all over theplace
Posts: 1771
Karma: 27
you just called like one of the best skiers and idiot he could kick your ass on the hill wtf!!!!!!!!!!!1 you may disagree with him but he prolly has more insight to the sport then you do ie hes fucking kick ass
Posts: 133
Karma: 98
i second the notion that jacob wester is an idiot
Posts: 643
Karma: 11
will skiers except FIS judges?
Posts: 591
Karma: 179
I think half pipe in the Olympics would be a mixed bag. When snowboarding was first introduced, the competitors had set tricks they had to do (ie:a straight air). Todd Richards threw down a killer run in qualifiers (which included a 1260 back in the 1990s) but because he didnt have a straight air hit, he didnt qualify. Its quite easy to see this happen to skiing which in my opinion stunts the sport,progression,inovation blah blah blah...
But it also promotes skiing and gets it out there.
Posts: 7845
Karma: 93
im not sure if i'd want it. and less then half the skiers wouldn't pass the drug test.
Posts: 6
Karma: 10
if you really want to know... it is official that halfpipe will be in the olympics in 2014 so to all you fucking young stupid shitheads that had nothing to do with getting the sport in the olympics, congrats...you have a shot to compete in them.
Posts: 909
Karma: 6
I third the notion as well
Posts: 1385
Karma: 749
I'm sure if the hard core skiers that wanted to be the best pipe skier in the world at an olympic level wanted to win like chrichton, hall, the dumont, schilla, olson, etc would pas their drug tests
Posts: 1193
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Posts: 372
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not if its removed from the doping list wich it will be by 2010
Posts: 1431
Karma: 12
i...cant...think...of...an...argument. wester wins.
Posts: 13973
Karma: 1,636
although im not too big on the idea of pipe skiing being in the olympics, some of you guys say it will bring legitimacy to our sport but i believe our sport is already legit, we dont need old olympic people to say our sport is legit just because it is now in the olympics i know it is.. sure itll bring in more money, but i dont like the money that its going to bring in, the judging sucks and i think it will just make freeriding into another racing
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