bad idea for laptop. wont go as far becuase less hear efficent! I have a AMD FX-55. is it worth it for me? fuck ya. I can get to a fx-57 through overclocking (a processor which is $300 more then mine). In many cases, I would say it is, because if you do it right (not that hard) you dont run much of a risk at all. ita all luck of the draw though, some processors which are slower then others will oc better then the faster ones.
also, since it is a laptop, and that is a lower end AMD one, it may not be as simple as going into the bios. if your bios is locked (im willing to bet it is) then try going here:
and see if they have a version meant for your computer. if not, it is not worth it for sure because you will have to do some hardware modding.
either way, in a laptop, especially with the mobile-designed processor that you have, you are not going to get much gain out of it. but if it is easy (no hardware modding) then I say you might as well.
Stay safe. do not increse more then like at the most 5mhz, then test (run a game, or download 3dmark 2003 or 2004) and if it runs good, increse another 5mhz. if your computer crashes or puts out an error, go back 5 mhz and stick with that. there is not much danger of overheating your processor unless you overclock in large incriments at a time because cpus no adays have a feture that will auto shut them off if they get too hot. you still need to take caution, but its not a huge deal because you kind of have to be an idiot about it to cause any real harm.