I believe that the potential that Kazaa offers for the movment of ski footage is being overlooked and underused. I am sure you know that Kazaa is the most popular information highway for mp3's and other files but I beleieve that the few ski video files that are available are weak sparse. Take for instance the people putting short edited ski footage in the video section here on NS. Many times it does not work properly due to the 2 meg size limit or it is so compressed that it is a much less interesting viewing expierence. Now I am not talking about illegally pirating major ski movies onto Kazaa (which you would have to be a moran to do because that would be completly fucking the hardworking people who barely turn a profit on them) but I am talking about short edited videos or clips that can come at a higher quality when there is no size limit. I am not telling everyone that they HAVE to go out and load up every ski clip from their cameras and put it on Kazaa, I am jusy suggesting that it would be cool if there were some nice edited 10 min vids or compilations of people and their friends shredding their hometown park.
If you are interested in sharing footage on Kazaa but dont know how, its simple! Just follow these steps...
1. Find the ski video file of you wish to share on Kazaa.
2. Drag it into your 'My Shared Folder' that contains all other shared Kazaa mp3,s and files.
3. Now, open Kazaa and go to 'My Kazaa' where your video should appear.
4. Right click on the file and scroll do to 'Edit details' where you can name the file, choose keywords and so on. PLEASE write an acurate description of the video so people dont waste time and hardrive space downloading something the don't want.
5. Finally, make sure that when viewing the file in 'My Kazaa' that on the lower tool bar at the TOP of the screen, the share button is clicked down so that you are sharing your footage.
Dont forget that when downloading someone elses footage and they sign off, just leave it in your download box uncomplete and when you sign on again other times it will search for more sources and continue the download.
Also, I have posted an edited film from last season of my friends and I at mammoth (chris bechetler, you are in there too, sorry if ur pissed). It isnt like Tanner Hall and shit but it is 9 mins of some pretty solid un seen skiing that we threw together during the summer. The down side however is that it is super high quality it will take along time to download from my shitty modem. But if you really want to see it just let it sit in ur download box.
I hope to see some more good ski footage on Kazaa in the near future. Thanks for reading.