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Weed legalized in denver?
Posts: 725
Karma: 14
Has anyone else heard about this on the news. like some people are trying to legalize weed in denver or something im not exactly sure whats going on.
Posts: 9956
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Posts: 1350
Karma: 15
what do you mean wrong wrong wrong? I have freinds who have gotten these tickets in denver count, I have also seen cops take weed and just let you go because it is a waste of their time. so lets not get into a stupid interweb battle, when all you can say is wrong wrong wrong.
Posts: 2077
Karma: 25
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Karma: 10
Denver is sick cause im goin to school there. weed will never be legalized here, but does it really matter. O shit! i got an appointment with Mary Jane right now. Peace
Posts: 1159
Karma: 14
in cloumbia, where weed is legal, a lpt of people dont even somke
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^yeah it did. wonder whats gonna happen
Posts: 3735
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Yeah it passed, but the cops said that they would follow state law. Weed is still illegal under state law.
Posts: 6322
Karma: -10
I wounder how many police will just file under fed law as said. this is pretty big. im no pothead, but I really7 think weed should be legal. this is the first big city in the us to have something like this pass
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Posts: 9956
Karma: 18
they can fine you much more than that, and you can get community service, and you lose financial aid. It's happened to me, not one of my friends, not some guy someone once knew. I'm speaking from personal experence.
Posts: 2629
Karma: 329
denver is crazy, i should have known something was up with them when they started killing pit bulls a while back
Posts: 863
Karma: 10
i just heard about this today and i live outside of denver. you can carry an oz. if your over 21
Posts: 7445
Karma: 90
i am moving to fuckin denver, thats awsome i saw it on the news. deff a step in the right direction.
Posts: 390
Karma: 10
i wish it was legal period!
Posts: 3278
Karma: 883
theyre trying to legalize weed everywhere in the world. and its a stupid thign to fight for. its not going to happen. period. its fucking marijuana, when are people going to realize that it will never be legal.
Posts: 1616
Karma: 18
so what if its "fucking marijuana", it's only a matter of time before it's legal. This is just the begining. It's not like its a bad thing if it gets legalized. I don't think any 21 year old is gonna start using hard drugs because they started smoking legal marijuana. There is so much misinformation out there about pot. Do some research and smoke a doob, its good shit. Do you really think it can be that bad if it is legal in one of the most progressive and democratic countries in the world, the Neatherlands. The day i can go to 7-11 and by a sack of weed is the day weed is done justice.
Posts: 39
Karma: 14
if it happens the fedral gov. will stop it from happening. Look at montana in the last election we voted it (im not sure) somthen like 64 to 32 and the feds said no to it, thats why i dont vote anymore.
Posts: 3343
Karma: 15
yea weed is pointless really, legalizing won't do that much unless you consider the whole "gateway drug" concept or whatever the fuck, i wouldn't care if people tok up on their own time, but when they go out in public and do stupid shit and act all gay it gets annoying.
Posts: 365
Karma: 9
Posts: 24
Karma: 10
well, cant exactly say that things have gone to shit with the netherlands due to legalization. Now it`s been legal with small amounts, under 5 grams, in germany and england for a couple of years as well. In most of the rest of europe its also a fairly relaxed view about it. small fines etc. european focus is on hard drugs. the big question though, is why you guys have so strict alcohol rules? I mean, lets see, im 16 and no way am i going to get hold of any beer. Oh yeah!, ill just hit the pipe or throw down a couple of pills instead. In europe we drink first and then some try weed etc. later. in the states it seems like the other way around. Am I wrong? norwegian ignorant.
Posts: 7761
Karma: 8,356
you need to smoke some weed
Posts: 3343
Karma: 15
dude i used to smoke in high school, and I must say it was a lot of fun at the time. but I only smoked while camping or at someones house, probably because i didn't want to get caught. i don't smoke anymore and I don't care if other people do, I just don't want to see them acting like retards all the damn time. i mean, do you have to stoned ALL the time?
Posts: 1625
Karma: 40
go norweigen dude. but im 16, drink and smoke pot but never really want to do hard drugs, as I have seen the effects first hand. To all those who say pot is bad, and it's stupid to think it will be decriminalized or legalized, have you ever smoked? How can you talk about something without experiancing it firsthand. All those bullshiting themselves believing lies and half truths told to you by the feds should be ashamed.
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