Replying to Just an idea....trick section??
I always thought that one thing lacking on this site was a really good trick section. How about making a page with every trick under the moon listed on it. Obviously for one or two people just to make a huge trick directory is gonna take a long time, too long. So here's what you do, the NS crew just list the name of every trick they can think of (shouldn't take that long). I, an NS user can go to the trick page and click on a trick, say "misty flip" for example, if no one has submitted a definition yet I can type one in and submit it, and a photo/video too if I have one. It's important that my post is checked by someone who knows what's what before it goes on the site, in case I haven't got a fucking clue, so it would have to be sent to NS crew before actually going online...that way only the good ones get put up on the site, so there's not shit like there is everywhere on this site where we can post our own stuff freely. Right so now my definition of a misty flip is accepted; next time someone clicks on misty flip there's my definition and photo/video. But lets say you think something isn't quite right about my definition or you think you can post a better one or have a better photo/video...just click on the edit button and edit my definition/create your own and submit it...again one of the NS crew check it and if they like it change my post/photo or perhaps just add a second definition if they think both are equally valid. Having a trick guide put together by all the riders on this site would be sick, and finally sort out any disputes about what is what...
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