Replying to Man = Woman + Woman = Man
Yeah, so I told you all about my Sociology 268 class and the homework assignment we had about what we would if we had a daughter porn with a penis...anyhow, last day of class there are these two people up front when we sit down, a really fat dude with a beard and an older woman who's looking a litte weird. My friend makes me a bet that she is a guy, but there is no fucking way. Two seconds later she announces to us that she is infact a man that not only takes hormonse, but also got her cock lopped of and a slit cut in her...gross, yes. She finishes talking to us about and sits down on this doughnut shaped pillow (because she is 'sore') and then the guy gets up to talk. There is no possibly way in heaven or hell that this dude could be a chick...not tits, he's got a beard, nothing feminine at all. But of course, he used to be a woman...what the fuck. And to top it all off, they are ingaged and I am sure the second her slit heals up they'll be fucking like rabbits. What the hell is going on?
So yeah, this may or may not be funny...just be careful the next time your pick up some random trick at the never know what might be down south. I could write more, but I am crying too hard to see the keyboard.
''Never trust anyone until you see their private parts.''
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