its not.
This dude has the skills. He has a show called mind freak, i watch it every time it airs. When he was 14 there are old photographs of him balencing his mom on a broomstick. He can levetate way bigger than david blane.
He has figure out part of his mind know one else has yet. Or so he says. He does things like go to a ring store and pull rings up through the glass, and you watch it. He is absolutely amazing.
theres another where a car is going full speed, and he jups into a puddle, falling all the way through.
another is when he lights on fire, is a crowd event, wet they put the estinguisher on him, when they stop they notuce its only his clothes on the round, and one of the etinguisher guys lifts up his mask and its him.
One more cool one is where a girl sigs a quater, he eats the qauter, and then he focuses and you see a circle in his arms, he take a kniofe, cuts open his are, and pulls the signed quater from the blood.
You should order his dvd, or something, i know i am.