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How is Denver as a ski town?
Posts: 9599
Karma: 129
Just randomly thinking out loud about the Art Institute of Colorado in Denver. Wondering about how the skiing out of Denver would be.
Any western-ites wanna help me out, I've never been west of the mississippi?
Posts: 3520
Karma: 13
there's a lot of great skiing within an hour, hour and a half from denver.
Posts: 625
Karma: 12
I would not classify Denver as a ski town. I think of it as a town that happens to be within road-trip distance of lots of good skiing. Anywhere from an hour to five of driving and you can ski any of 20-30 resorts (guesstimation), plus the bc is everywhere.
My quick impression of Denver compared to other major US cities. Clean, lower crime, high quality of life, decent nightlife, decent attractions (museums, sports, concerts...), 300+ days of sun per year, down-to-earth friendly people and lots of mexicans...
Thats all I can think of for now.
Posts: 365
Karma: 9
Why are there alot of mexicans in Denver? I would have never of guessed that there would be alot.
Posts: 2050
Karma: 13
denver SUCKS i hate that fucking city, live in boulder
Posts: 2050
Karma: 13
and how the FUCK is there low crime? every single night mulitple people are murdered. thier are more car accidents the any other state besides cali and it is defintaly not clean, thier are millions of cars,thier is rocky flats. it is not that clean.
Posts: 625
Karma: 12
^relative to other major us cities of the same size
Posts: 2373
Karma: 16
i fucking hate the word guestamation, never say it again
Posts: 10056
Karma: 1,215
hey well the word guesstamation hate you so just go and die
Posts: 5166
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im ganna guesstimate that he doesnt like the wrod guesstimate
Posts: 2617
Karma: 23
damn hippy. have you ever been to another firly big city? take louisville, kentucky for example. that place is fun but its pretty ghetto and industrial style. and rocky flats isnt even in denver. im actually pretty sure its a little bit closer to boulder.
denver is sick. there are alot of mexicans but not like all illegal and shit really. my friends from denver skatepark are mostly all mexican but everybody i know is pretty cool. i like it cuz its kinda like a big sity, but its not huge like LA or nnew york.
Posts: 6322
Karma: -10
depends highley on where in denver, but I would say more like 2 hours.
Posts: 6322
Karma: -10
exactly. it is clean in that sense.
Posts: 6322
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especially with traffic the way it is usually.
at night, if you leave the mountain at like 3:00-4:00 it can be like 5 hours to drive back home and a bad night.
Posts: 316
Karma: 10
about how far from skiing is DU?
Posts: 6171
Karma: 107
well you can ski as close as eldora. the better mountains are in summit county though. the eisenhower tunnel which has loveland ski resort on top of it, which jsut opened today, is roughly an hour and 15 minutes from denver, pending traffic. just next to loveland is a-basin, which you can access of the loveland pass road. or you go through the tunnel and 7 minutes later you hit silverthrone and keystone (which has night skiing)is about 15 miles off the highway. breckenridge is 9 miles off the highway , just west of keystone one exit. copper mtn is another exit west, (+5 minutes) right next to the highway. and then you drive over vail pass, (25 minutes from copper) and can ski vail. skiing is extremely affordable and you can get passes to Vail, Beaver Creek, Keystone, A-basin, and Breckenridge for $350 or a Copper/Winter park pass for $250. We have a ton of smaller resorts which are extremely dope, just a little far south towards durango. steamboat is up north from summit and an hour and 1/2. our skiing is pretty dope, the southern san juan mountains are a lot steeper than the north/central mountains. Utah gets dumped on and its not that far away as well. It's a pretty perfect location to live a semi-serious ski bum lifestyle. or you can move to the mountains and do it up right.
i fell like a tour guide, i accept tips.
Posts: 940
Karma: 10
i like denver its a cool city. its big but right next to the mountains
Posts: 9599
Karma: 129
Yeah, if I go to school in Denver I'd be weekend ski bumming.
Real college is going to be rough, I'm going to have to cut my 100+ days a season in like half. Fucking education, what's it ever done for me?!?! (end e-sarcasm)
Posts: 447
Karma: 9
ya like yesterday the first park in denver opened cuz they got hit with a huge storm
Posts: 6176
Karma: 23
im thinking about moving there after college, cuz i like big cities, and pretty close to sking, i dont think i could do small ski town forever, id need to be able to do other things. if i get a cool penthouse, or apartment or something im doing it
Posts: 722
Karma: 11
wasn't there a ski mag (powder i think) that said seattle is the biggest ski town the u.s.? no point, just reminded me of that!
Posts: 1350
Karma: 15
are you kidding me bouldr is the biggest joke ever, it is supposed to be all laid back and shit and the have more rules and bulllshit than anywhere in the world they are known as the peoples republic of boulder because they are republican old ass tightwads, boulder lost its laid back attitude in the early 90's, now it is a bunch of frat boys that burn couches and can't hold their liquor so the rape girls. only good thing in boulder is the weed, although even that is shitty now because the psuedo wannabe hippies are skecthballs, so now all the good herb comes from denver, and/or surrounding mountain towns. denver is a nice small city that has a little bit of everything, and if you have aproblem with mexicans don't come to colorado because colorados ski areas run on illegal labor, we would not have an economy without them, and no i am not a mexican, i just have a mexican name and icon. so if your aracist fuck stay out of colorado, if not you are welcome anytime but just for a visit we have too many people here already, unless you grow good herb in that case move on in, and if your chill thats ok too, but no tightwad wannabe fratboyracistrapistrepublicans allowed we need to become a blue state again. shit i just flipped out on the the interweb.
Posts: 372
Karma: 10
ummm Denver is not a ski town
Posts: 1285
Karma: 10
i think everyone is just bitter cause the denver (and boulder for that matter) guys just got to go skiing....
so shut your pie hole cause denver is a great city
Posts: 1774
Karma: 2
if i had a choice between denver and slc....id most def pick slc. i like it so much better.but denvers still pretty nice
Posts: 1142
Karma: 11
Just take your classes on Mon, Wed, and Fri, or Tues/Thur... Works out pretty well...
Posts: 6322
Karma: -10
Posts: 6322
Karma: -10
the republicans live outside of town. the town its self, still seems fairly liberal. liberal, in terms of politics, doesnt really mean it literally. liberals will have plenty of rules for the environment/safty of other and so on. its like Ft. collins, but more liberal i guess. we cant smoke in the city limits period, unlless your in your house. its nice.
Posts: 458
Karma: 10
damn, u need to chill the fuck out!
concerning the question, denver and boulder r both great places 2 live, but seriously, this is like comparing the 1080 thruster to the volkl sumo. a better comparison is ft. collins vs boulder (boulder wins outright w/ respect 2 skiing).
also, it sounds like u want 2 go 2 a serious college, but if thats not the case, hit up somethin like CO mtn college in steamboat, ft lewis in durango, etc.
in general, going 2 college in CO NEwhere near the mtns will turn out 2 be a good idea, so dont sweat it.
shit, this is already fucking long, but i just want 2 say that if i had 2 choose between denver and boulder, id choose CU/boulder, b/c its closer and has more of a college feel. p.s. i already made the choice 4 myself, so...
Posts: 1350
Karma: 15
yeah i kinda lost it there, I have no tolernace for racists or anybody that likes to limit people, but whats funny is that is limiting within itself, life is contridictory, I guess I am a stressball because i did'nt get to ski like all other this weekend. but ssx on tour is helping...
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