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armada doesnt have their new site up yet and no one seems to be bitching about that. for fucks sake, most people can't start skiing until december anyways.
yea when i ask people in the "know" about lines plans they drop the line "wait until there site is up." what hte fuck. so this is a lot more suspensful than it has to be.
I must say that it is a little annoying that they said it would be up on the 10th...then they changed to the 12th then they changed to coming soon...but I will still be buying thier skis....but honestly...this is a Newschool ski company ran by a guy that doesn't even have a meaningful college degree...of course they are not going to be organized...of course they are going to have bad marketing...and on it goes...Line is not BMW, GE, 3M, or any other fortune 500 company...they are small time and therefore you should expect some bumps in the least they make kick ass skis!!!
and fuck line for dropping members of thier team that made them so kick ass i dont give a shit if it was because j lev say they had differnces i know that it was because lev just wants to sell the fuck out because he just realized that theat he has no college degre no fall back plan and know has a baby to support so he decided he needed all the money for him self and that the ski industry is no longer important to him. So FUCK LINE
dude why don't you wait until the new site is up before you start talking about Line having shitty marketing! Just cos J Lev doesn't have a harvard law degree doesn't mean his companies marketing is bad! Just wait, I have a feelin that Line's gonna be opening it up in a whole new direction this year...
To be honest...I could give a rats ass about pros...they make good movies and aid in the design of the ski...but other than that they are not necessary...and this whole thing about expanding the sport is a bunch of crap...I wish there were only enough people skiing to keep the resorts open...we only have so many mountains and I hate waiting 10-15 minutes (or more) to get on a lift
so they ran into a few speed bumps, hopefully it will be good after all this time, im stoked, it should be sick, i just get more excited to see it every day its delayed. give em a break.
fuck u bro i didnt see any other company founders on NS answering all of ur dying question for 4 hours then coming on 2 days later and doing the same thing over NS radio... suck a cock u dickhead
im just tired of waiting for stuff, i wont have my skis for opening day, or my fat skis for awhile longer, its just a pain to deal with, but i still like line!
There it is right there in plain view...or is that a cover up for his extreme hatred for the ski industry and his lack of appreciation for YOU the consumer!
College degree or not im pretty sure hes more successful than you in out industry. He understands the market and if he says he doesnt need as ass bag full of pros Ill go with it for now.
i've noticed you suck a fat one and all your male buddies say you have the worst flex pattern in the world (you can't bend over and take it well) man stop raggin on line christ
This is an ingenious marketing scam (scam seems like a harsh word but it works). Line is getting everyone to talk about their company through their website. ITs the same with armada and them not releasing their ski graphics. Since no one could see them everyone wanted to. Since no one can get to the line site now everyone is going to check the site until it comes out.
Good call man, im sure he hates skiiers and the ski industry and maybe even winter. this whole ski company that has been inovating the sport for the last ten years has been a briliant ploy to take money from the companys like K2 and Quicksilver, Who are not in it for the money and like to buy up everything they can. I really wish there was a company that would stop working so hard on making great skis and bindings. then they could focus on more important things like putting up websites.