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Trying to get sponcered vs just skiing
Posts: 2495
Karma: 14
i was just reading a thread that was kinda about this, the whole dont try and get sponcered just let it happen thing, and honestly thats exactly how it happened for me. but there comes a point when some people simply need to get sponcered like if there skiing 100+ days a yr and r breaking 3-6 pairs of skis a season. also i know for many people simply being out with friends and rippin around the mt is the best skiing ever but for others it might be comps, urban jibs, and hicking hits all day that gets them off. so u cant really say just sit back and ski cuz for some people in some situations they need to push for sponcers just to get through a season
Posts: 3197
Karma: 88
there's way too much focus on getting sponsored now though. some kids don't even want to ski anymore, it's just about getting free shit. kind of sad actually.
i think you should only be sponsored if you really deserve it, and it should come to you...
i hate kids who go begging for sponsors after they learn 360s...
Posts: 9458
Karma: 105
^ So true, sponsors are definately getting overrated...like I think people are starting to miss the purpose of skiing, it's to go out with your friends, do something you love, and have a fucking good time!
Posts: 566
Karma: 10
Posts: 9311
Karma: 910
My sponsers dont ask me to compete, so i dont and i ski with friends.. good times for all.
Posts: 27
Karma: 10
That'd definitely be nice...
The whole being "sponsored" thing is blown way out of proportion. People are getting a free pair of goggles or a hook up through a friend and claiming sponsorship. Sure, it'd be nice to get free stuff, but ya gotta ski because you love it. It's all about the sport we all have devoted ourselves to...
Posts: 4737
Karma: 1,096
im not sponsored, but i got free skis... pretty much so... everyone buy k2. i like 2 skee.
Posts: 4391
Karma: 67
Posts: 106
Karma: 239
Posts: 2709
Karma: 160
ive been offored small sponsorships but i turned em down becaus ei wasent stoked on the shop/company! it would be sick to be hooked up by companies i support but i dont want to ride for anybody or support any brand that i wouldnt buy or rock their shit if they didnt give it to me!
Posts: 2701
Karma: 546
sponsored has got to be the hardest word to spell for most users who frequent NS. It's sad to see their education has been stunted by whatever the devil they decide to fill their brains instead. Once again, I do this.
Ways to spell "sponsored"
and finally my favorite
Posts: 10056
Karma: 1,215
i sware that joke hasnt been used 434634643 times
Posts: 9311
Karma: 910
I wanna be spannnncereeddd
Posts: 8188
Karma: 38
i love skiing so i ski, i dont really carevwhatever comes of it.
Posts: 1330
Karma: 13
if people have a good time trying to get sponcered they let them try.
Posts: 1070
Karma: 844
i agree with him^(a ways up), if you are going to be sponsored it should be by a company that you would buy otherwise. Me and a coupls of my friends got offered a sonsorship of addidas goggles and line. NO OFFENSE to anyone who like these companies, but we didn't really like the way the skis held up. So we turned them down. Two years later we got offered by Rossi, and because we bought rossi stuff religously, obviously we took it.
Posts: 1801
Karma: 13
bah you all sound like a bunch of communists. long live the art of skiing for free shit
Posts: 447
Karma: 14
If your looking for a sponsorship, just ski, compete and ski some more. When your good enough, you will know more people involved with the sport and then it falls into place over casual conversations at the lodge or local shop. Just ski as much as you can and dont worry about getting sponsored untill you KNOW your the baddest mother fucker in your area, then keep a good attitude and talk to people.
Posts: 3536
Karma: 13
it's not a bad thing to get sponserd. But the only way you should get sponserd is just skiing for fun and in compititions people who send SPONSER me video's just need to go fall in a whole
Posts: 13040
Karma: 1,419
^to get a decent sponsorship by winning comps mean you have to get into huge comps wich cost a shit load of money and believe me paying 1000$ to get into a comp isnt anything like ahving fun with friends for no $ at your home mountain.
If you are talended and in need of support to get into those big comps, then you need a sponsors.
I'm not rich, I cannot even buy myself a ski pass, you think I have enougth money to get into comps to make a name for myself?? nope, I can make a sick video and sendit to companhies so they can back me up a bit aso I can represent their products in comps.
That's my opinion. I love skiiing, sponsors just make it easier to make the sport progress
Posts: 1219
Karma: 26
Posts: 3536
Karma: 13
my friend got sponserd from wining a comp last year that the entry fee was like 5 bucks now he's rideing free choppers and has all new clothes
Posts: 4380
Karma: 772
if i had time i would trace this thread back to the point where it turned from talking about skiing just for yourself, to bragging about how many sponsors you have/have turned down.
But i dont have time, my fries are burning.
Posts: 5606
Karma: 195
It seems like getting sponsored is the main focus of everyone I talk to. Just because you have a sponsorship doesn't mean you will go pro or anything. Skiing is fun as hell, and pretty much all I ever think about. If I am good enough for people to want to pay for me to ski, thats sick. But if I'm not, no big deal, theres no way I would rather spend my money than a sick new pair of skis or a season pass.
Posts: 8232
Karma: 3,311
whatg ever you do, have fun.
Posts: 3819
Karma: 79
Posts: 2507
Karma: 490
slave master watchin over you
Posts: 298
Karma: 10
gimmie, gimmie, gimmie...
Posts: 1350
Karma: 15
Posts: 591
Karma: 179
My Parents sponsor me. They give me free food and a free bed.
Im so much cooler than you guys.
Posts: 0
Karma: 87
I can do 360's do you think someone will Spancepronship me?
Posts: 20239
Karma: 1,273
I don't break skis all the time, Im not struggling to support my skiing. Therefor, I have no reason to get sponsored.
Posts: 16909
Karma: 4,683
what happened to your post count just noticed it was at 1.
The original idea of sponserships was that companys give you stuff if you premote them and you would only wnat to be sponsered for the stuff money and traveling but now kids want to be sponsered so they can say they are. I bet there are some kids on this site who would pay a company to "sponser" them prety lam if you ask me.
Posts: 9311
Karma: 910
He has a negative post count so he is slowly eating away at his debt. He owes NS post's.
Posts: 232
Karma: 10
i'm sposored by a small local shop, and they don't ask me to do comps or anything, but i like to cause their fun, they just want me to rep them on the mountain, cause people are always askin where i get my ish and what not
Posts: 2219
Karma: 11
i find it funny when people try to type then get tired of typing so they scrible some letters down.
Posts: 7540
Karma: 59
i dont know, i think i might be changing a bit.becasue i am getting more and more into the ski industry, with talking to company owners like line, and filmer josh berman, and even some pro skeirs like iannick and shit, i have learnt alot. but i think i am starting to WANT to get sponsered, but only by a local shop or something, just for a few free things over the season...but i still ski for the fun of it...i just think comps are a great way to learn how u work under pressure and shit like that...
Posts: 2495
Karma: 14
its pretty much true that when your good enough to get sponsored its just starts happening through people u get to know in the industry. although im sure there r people who would like to be sponsored that deserve it that need to work harder at it than others so u cant always just say let it happen all on its own.
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