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French People, please help
Posts: 1814
Karma: 10
Whats the word for cork in french as in a cork 540, i need to know for a short story.
Posts: 3036
Karma: 45
Posts: 1814
Karma: 10
Posts: 7266
Karma: 128
im french, thats a cork off of a wine bottle. u want d'axis 540
Posts: 1305
Karma: 170
in magazine they say 540 ''tire-bouchon''
it's a direct translation and sound extremely gay, but that's the ''frenchier'' way to call it
Posts: 13040
Karma: 1,419
un cinq cent quarante désaxé, that should so it cause it mean off-axis wich can give non skiing peoples a better idea of the move itself
Posts: 799
Karma: 13
^yeah ceds right u guys up there arent haha. corque?
Posts: 2658
Karma: 20
yeah ced got it good, glad to see some other french people
Posts: 1305
Karma: 170
Posts: 4698
Karma: 53
what are you all talking about, you say "un cork", there's no french word...
Posts: 11075
Karma: 82,508
we just say cork in french...
Posts: 48
Karma: 13
Posts: 10182
Karma: 66
it un axis, i dunno man, its probably that desaxe thing that other guy said or just say cork
Posts: 1331
Karma: 474
corkscrew=Tire-Bouchon, we say Cork or axis.
Posts: 1412
Karma: 90
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Karma: 11
Posts: 6715
Karma: 267
ta mere
ta race
va te faire enculer
Posts: 4698
Karma: 53
...et mets toi un doigt dans le cul
Posts: 4625
Karma: 11
telefrancais telefrancais, bonjour, allot, salut
Posts: 2888
Karma: 20
eh le jeune!
Ne prends pas cette alliment non epicer!
Posts: 1099
Karma: 55
in french we never traduce it we just call it cork like everybody else
Posts: 5160
Karma: 185
Posts: 1305
Karma: 170
shut up everybody in magazines i tell you they say 540 tire-bouchon
Posts: 7973
Karma: 2,467
Posts: 300
Karma: 375
yeah its 540 tire-bouchon
Posts: 863
Karma: 68
cinco cientos quarenta sacacorchos
Posts: 1305
Karma: 170
shut up^ i say 540 tire-bouchon
Posts: 3937
Karma: 27
Well all you would hear from someone in a park would be: "Cork cinq."
Posts: 1305
Karma: 170
yes but this is for a french homework or something like this he said.^
Posts: 1282
Karma: 14
j'aime le ski. thats all i know how to say at the end of my 3 years in french class
Posts: 1511
Karma: 11
im french and we say cork...or ..off axis
Posts: 833
Karma: 28
en suisse on dites cork cinq ou cork cinq quatre, mais pour un gars qui ne fait pas le ski freestyle peut-etre le trucs que ced a dites.
Posts: 7768
Karma: 481
un 540 dans l'axis non-vertical
Posts: 1511
Karma: 11
Posts: 6447
Karma: 106
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