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I was wondering if anyone has ever painted there poles with there own sick colors. What paint did you use, did you spray any enamel over it to keep it protected? How did you protect them if you didnt use enamel? any input would be sick if its even possible caus im considering it.
umm i sanded the original the best i could and then used flat black/flat white to make some sick snow camo...takes about 5-10 minutes and it's a lot better cause it's your own creation
or if you feel like paintin your ski poles in the middle of the summer cause there is no snow then you should and not think twice about it cause it's not that big of a deal
Basically just sand them down to the bare metal, prime them, paint them, and clear coat them. There's a lot more process that that if you really want to do a good job, but that's the rundown.
I use duplicolour (get it @ Canadian Tire in Canada... dunno where in the US) spraypaint for everything so I'll probably use it for my poles.
aight word, thanks dudes, just wondering caus the poles i have right now are really beet and bent, thinking about giving them a fresh coat till i get some new ones, something thatll look real nice
ya lots of people do it just make sure that you do alot of coats or it will come od=ff in a day or 2 but ya deffinately not something that is seen scarecly
get a trash can full of paint and just dip your poles in it.. it works the best, but it costs alot of money to fill such a large area with paint.. trust me though, it works the best
why the hell does it matter if they chip or the paint runs or whatever? My poles cost 5$ i am going to break them in a few weeks, so why should I worry about doing a good job painting them?
im painting mine all white with a black line in a random the paint starts to chip im probably gonna sand it down..i used a metal primer (grey) and then i used white...both spray paint
yea um spray paint. and clear coat, jea jea jea jea. but really i love my sick graphics i made. pretty sick like checkerboards/;really original desgin casue im super artsy
like others have said, i just used a flat black spray paint, it looks good just pitch black. ill probably add some design some time, but for now they are just black.
well i finally painted them, straight white and tried to do some really tight blue stripes near the top,hah, didnt turn out great i learned sharpies go really well on the spray paint i used. It this super bonding stuff. I think im just going to draw some designs on them. ill try to post some pics if youre interested, if i could do it over, i would paint them straight white that just got a them with sharpies of different assorted colors.