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What do you know... Hitlist blew.
Posts: 849
Karma: -4
MSP has continued on their slippery slope of making sub par, unstylish ski movies.
I saw it up in PC over the weekend, and what a disappointment. I think my biggest gripe is the lack of innovation in this movie... that, coupled with the rancid taste of music.
Posts: 5961
Karma: 19
Posts: 2761
Karma: 12
^ skiing is great, lots of big mountain
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Karma: 126
Posts: 28699
Karma: -5,563
He has no real reason. He's just saying it because he wants to be a part of the "Hate MSP Bandwagon."
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Posts: 15350
Karma: 311
msp deinitly is homosezually gay
Posts: 6447
Karma: 106
so you can shut your trap
Posts: 5961
Karma: 19
it wasnt a real reason, it was just BS cause he was looking for a reason to hate it.
Posts: 28699
Karma: -5,563
Saying a movie is unstylish is just plain retarded, and for not being innoventive, WHAT THE FUCK! What other film company has helicopters flying over the skiers filming as they hit a massive booter???
Posts: 5968
Karma: -7
i concur. the company that created the genre of "extreme ski movies" (don't ANYONE say Miller started it- his movies are NOT "extreme skiing"- they're family movies that my grandparents could appreciate), brought us our first icon in the sport along with many, many others, created a formula for making movies that is still being used today (cool intro, rider segments, lifestyle segments, etc), and has put more time and effort into progressing the sport that most of us will ever spend on skiing absolutely blows. why? because i'm a fucking lemming and i jump on the first bandwagon that makes me feel empowered against The Man. grow a fucking brain, you dipshit. MSP DOES NOT BLOW. they make far better films in their sleep than you will ever be capable of producing. sure, there are weak moments here and there, but i don't hear you bitching about how much C-Crew sucks because Bottlez was a fucking flop. yeah, there have been a couple business moves by MSP that were less than outstanding and they obviously pissed off their flagship skier, Seth Morrison, enough that he refuses to ever film with them again, but that doesn't say anything about the quality of the movies they produce. stop being a pussy footing little boy and judge the movies on a level playing field. it might have not had the type of skiing you prefer, but that does not mean that MSP blows. i'm not a huge fan of jib movies, but i can still appreciate the stuff jibbers do.
bottom line- grow a goddamned brain and start thinking for yourself.
Posts: 5062
Karma: 424
dude, cork7s to backflips aren't innovative? How bout Mahre's big zeros? Pollards switch 3's and way smooth BC style. You are mistaken.
Posts: 16909
Karma: 4,683
Yhea I thought it was a great movie the only parts I would have changed is the rider comentary a little is good but they had to much other than that it was a sick movie. All of Mike Dugleses segments this year are fucking amazing. (WAR+Hit list) In hit list he stomps a 100ft clif beter than half of you could do a 10ft or 15ft.
Posts: 5160
Karma: 185
he cant be on the bandwagon if he saw it when almost no one who is on the bandwagon has seen it.
Posts: 3842
Karma: 192
i be not much likin dem msp mofos in da hood wer i be
Posts: 20283
Karma: 5,931
you know....im gonna go out on a limb here crazyfuck and say that i can make a better movie than msp. im gonna say that my crews movie (bogart) will be liked more than msp by the people of newschoolers. msp is a love or hate production, and more people hate it than love it. i dont jump on a bandwagon. why do you have to say that? is that your reasoning for me hating it? can i not have my own opinion? i liked ski movie 1 but every movie after that i thought was complete shit. sure they put effort into it, but that effort and money and shots dont make it any better to me. i like what i like and i dont like msp's style of making a movie. so im gonna have my own opinion about the movie and you have yours. dont ever fuckin rant on me for having an opinion. if you dont agree, you dont have to diss me and write this whole thing on why MY OPINION is wrong. an opinion is never wrong. thats that
Posts: 369
Karma: 843
i like it i think if they put some younger top skiers in the next film it would be so pimp
Posts: 5069
Karma: 1,017
meh wasnt terrible but ive certainly saw better. Allot of people ive spoken to really were dissapointed and I can see why. But there was some awwsome stuff in it too.
Posts: 192
Karma: 10
yeah the last couple MSP movies don't get me pumped to ski. I like movies that when the credits roll you go back to the menu and hit play again. Yearbook is now my icescraper for my car.
Posts: 5337
Karma: 98
i thought yearbook was pretty rad...and hit list looks like it will be sick too.
Posts: 11295
Karma: 502
No, they arent innovative. Have you ever heard of a risky flip??? they were done over flagstaff gap, and other gaps (or in parks for that matter as well) 4 or 5 years ago.
In every thread that I reply in, I state why I really disliked this movie. It is boring. The big mountain riding was boring, and I love big mountain. Focused and ski movie 3 were far superior. It was actually entertaining, and somewhat innvoative. The slow motion for every god damn shot gets old, nothing in their editing has changed. And 2 rails total??? Yearbook was far better in comparison as well - at least the helicopter shots were something new. And the particular shots this time weren't even all that impressive. I could go on about the commentary - it dragged on and was practically parallel to a warren miller film. And the soundtrack, save a couple songs, was trash. The quality of the fotage is certainly probably the top, but the way it is presented (the movie) sucks. There were several good segments, but not enough to pull the slack of the sub-par segments.
gah i really disliked this movie
Posts: 15350
Karma: 311
Posts: 869
Karma: 10
This is very true...msp does not live up to that statement
Posts: 780
Karma: 47
Posts: 780
Karma: 47
Posts: 2658
Karma: 20
you know whats funny is how you guys all have these heated arguments, nobody is right or wrong when it comes to this stuff. this is probably gonna be another 50 pages long thread about msp, who cares, just leave it we all know your opinions. to the people saying he was just looking for an excuse to put shit on msp, hes not, he thought thats why it sucked so shut up. you dont have the main say, its pretty funny too because everyone on this site thinks that THEIR opinion is the RIGHT one. everyones opinion is right according to their likes.
Posts: 149
Karma: 46
meh, your opinion is completely wrong.
more people hate it than love it? maybe among the 13 year old lemmings on NS, but that's not saying much -- it's the segment of the market that thinks buying a silk-screened t-shirt from some "core" ski company (that only makes t-shirts) progresses the sport.
Posts: 6153
Karma: 201
When you say that, it means you agree with what he is saying. Way to make everything you have to say worthless before I even began reading it.
Unfortunately, things didn't improve from there. I haven't seen Hitlist, because on principle I don't give money to MSP, and therefore didn't go the premiers. Although, I did not hear good things, and I'm not going to debate with you. I just thought I'd point out you're a moron.
For the record, MSP does blow, and don't call me a bandwagon jumper, because you don't even know. You can cry me a river, MSP can make better movies than any of us? Well guess what? Seth Morrison can ski better than any of us too, and he's not an asshole, does that make him a moron bandwagon jumper? Are you telling me that you know MSP better than he does, after filming with them for 8 years or more? Do you honestly believe no concious thought was put into his decision to leave? Do you honestly think everybody hates MSP because some people told them too? Do you think that no concious thought went into forming our supposedly baseless opinions? Oh wait.. you probably do, because clearly none went into yours. You need to get back in the kitchen. Do you honestly believe that with the budget, riders, equipment, and supposed filmmaking talent that MSP has, they could not make a better ski movie? Something original? Even repeatedly watchable? If you do, I can say with confidence you need to think about opening your mouth before you try and impress us with your insight.
Fuck outta here.
Posts: 6153
Karma: 201
Telling people they are bandwagon jumpers is just a feeble excuse you use to try and validate your baseless accusations and swiss cheese logic. Fuck you.
I could go on, but I'm already over it. Try saying something worthwhile next time.
Posts: 5069
Karma: 1,017
Ski movie one had some good stuff,mainly Seth is amzing in it. But god I never wanna hear Brad Holmes rap again. By the way havent heard much of him anyone noif he's still in the ski scene?
Posts: 13040
Karma: 1,419
you might wanna check BOGART...
how can you not make something decent with the budget msp have???
Josh Berman is out there with 1/100 of their budget and his vids are better then msp every year...
O yea and did I mention that MSP cool way to make movies havent changed a bit since they started making movies?? thats progressing?? I dont think so. Yea they do have ome sick segments, but I skip 1/2 of the movie everytime I watch them cause they just dont fit at all with the rest of the movie.
I'M down with mixing Big mountain and jibbing, it's just that in their movies those two are so separeted that there isnt any flow in the movie. Yea MSP is kinda weird
Posts: 5968
Karma: -7
it's called "sarcasm" you dipshit.
Posts: 229
Karma: 224
Actually, Greg Stump and RAP films both made movies that fit into the "extreme skiing" genre before Steve Winter got started. In fact, I'd be willing to bet good money that Steve Winter was influenced, in part, by Greg Stump.
Posts: 9956
Karma: 18
what other film company has a million dollar budget. serioulsy if any other company had the money msp did their movie would blow hit list out of te water.
Posts: 28699
Karma: -5,563
They have to be innoventive. Saying they don't have a million dollar budget is a reason their movie isn't as amazing as the company that does, is no excuse at all. Look at Berman for an example; He made an amazing, high quality film because he was innoventive in his filming style. Sure the money can help greatly, but who says that's the only way to get incredible shots?
Posts: 540
Karma: 10
I agree, I think MSP movies get sooo tedious, its difficult to watch them all the way through. I thought Ski Movie was great though. Their big mt. and jibbing just doesnt mesh at all
Posts: 73
Karma: 10
Dear Trevor would do it,
Trevor would like MSP.
Posts: 8588
Karma: 4,095
exactly! If other production companys can produce stuff just as good as msp imagine what they would be able to do if they had the money msp does.
Posts: 2265
Karma: 26
and to the kid asking about brad holmes.... he's rapping with G-unit now...
Posts: 2068
Karma: 12
^^^^^ his movie is comin out soon. stars skis and hucks seth is in it
Posts: 6783
Karma: 23
Just because the athletes in the movie are innovative (some of them) doesn't mean MSP is.
Rediculously slo-mo shots, taking themselves so seriously, terrible music, and just the general feel of the movie are what makes an MSP movie a bad movie.
Innovation? Their last 6 movies have all been exactly the same. They did 3 "ski movies" for God's sake!
Posts: 2829
Karma: 12
exactly, msp has got riders that are sick and inovative, but the riders are the only thing that has evolved in there films, otherwise its just usually the same old shots with the same old sub par music, and same old layout,
Posts: 1814
Karma: 10
ya, i thought that in yearbook had the second coolest shots last year, next too phil belanggers huge ones in red tape
Posts: 6943
Karma: 14
Posts: 20283
Karma: 5,931
oh and for the record crazyfuc, i watched wski106 and hated it. so what makes you think that i only like park movies? that i hate msp? i hate wski which was a "park" movie. ive watched every msp movie and i only like one. i think im entitled to my opinion
Posts: 7845
Karma: 93
That beacause every one on newschoolers are little fucking park rats who dont apprectiate quality.
Posts: 9956
Karma: 18
^ go to the powder fourms.
Posts: 5024
Karma: 221
well said. And not only do I have faith in you that your movie will be better, but you will have made it with 0.001 % of the budget MSP gets. Its REALLY too bad that SO much of the money in our sport goes into such a BAD company. oh well tho I guess im just trying to be cool and jump on the bandwagon also right?
Posts: 20283
Karma: 5,931
guess your just a little park rat too if your on ns...how come you say i dont appreciate it? i ski powder whenever i get snow. i make an hour of turns in the woods or grooms before the park opens. many times ill spend the whole day in the woods. i liked the movie immersion. the whole movie was powder. its the way that msp edits that sucks. its boring. add some mood and flavor. immersion sucked you into it. like you were skiing along wiht them. for msp its like watchign someone ski a line from a satellite
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