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Does any one not do drugs
Posts: 3536
Karma: 13
i dont do drugs and i'm proud of it never have never will. Any one else on this stoner filled web site pround of it
Posts: 6592
Karma: 14
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Karma: 214
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Karma: 20,659
small drugs eventually lead to life-ruining drugs
Posts: 10928
Karma: 36
I'm not saying that it's stupid for you to smoke, cause that's not my place to say, but How is it not that bad for you? It's smoke in your lungs first of all, and if it effects you to the point where you get high, it's obviously effecting your brain in a way that's not natural.
Posts: 556
Karma: 10
nope no drugs, drinking, smoking or watevr
Posts: 3536
Karma: 13
Posts: 3536
Karma: 13
Posts: 1244
Karma: 14
Posts: 9671
Karma: 482
there are many forms of ingesting thc that is not known to the average person. Smoking is the worst form of thc intake there is. marijuana is harmless if eaten in, peanut butter, honey, cookies, and brownies. YOu can also get a vaporizer which does not produce smoke and causes no harmful effects. Marijuana is NOT addictive, people. Marijuana is not bad for you if you use it right. If we were not meant to take in THC, then why do we have THC receptors in our brains? Straight edgers and emos suck.
Posts: 3462
Karma: 239
Posts: 4272
Karma: 103
Try Magic Mushrooms, maybe you'll learn something.
Posts: 12973
Karma: 500
just because someone has chosen not to smoke, doesnt make them straightedge or emo.
Posts: 1741
Karma: -2
yeah if anything if someone has chosen to smoke its cause there emo and ruin their life even more so they can be bigger pussys.
Posts: 557
Karma: 40
NO smoke,
drink sometimes
Posts: 9671
Karma: 482
I didn't mean any one here was emo. just that emos and edgers suck period.
Posts: 4916
Karma: 66
rastaman nah fi put drugs in system
Posts: 5069
Karma: 1,017
I have smoked pot before, but Im not going anywhere near that stuff anymore, due to drug testing. and ya drinking is always fun if you dont make an ass of yourself.
Posts: 4746
Karma: 18
Posts: 1579
Karma: 10
up until the end of this summer, i smoked a lot of weed, I still smoke occasionally. but the short term memory loss is signifigant, and if your tryng to do sciences (which i was) it really fucks you up. anyone who says blazing has no effect on their skills, try smoking and trying to do calculus the next day.
oh and if your not smoking, not vaporizing, brownies, etc..., weed is worse tfior your lungs than ciggarettes
that said, if you smoke say a coupole times a month, you will basically be fine
Posts: 1244
Karma: 14
straight edge and emo are conpletely diffrent. All the sXe bands are hard core(except ANTI-FLAG). Emo bands cry and talk about there feelings and smoke and drink cuas there depressed. That leads to cutting themselves.
Posts: 1325
Karma: 11
All i need is my beer :) and yes im drug free and proud of it, (but thta might change 1 day lol)
Posts: 9453
Karma: 2,587
Posts: 2331
Karma: 194
i dont, i drink tho. but only na parties
Posts: 9671
Karma: 482
How can you say weed is worse than ciggarettes? THats just pure ignorance. Weed is not that great for your lungs but cigarettes contain 10x more bad shit in them. Cigarettes contain arsenic, rat poison and trace amounts of pottassium cyanide not to mention nicotine(highly addictive). Marijuana just contains THC and the usual tars associated with burning anything. Which is better now?
Posts: 2685
Karma: 17
that's a bold statement... not to mention, completely fictitious. They could, in some rare circumstances, lead to life ruining drug addiction. but as long as you have self control, you will avoid addiction.
Posts: 9671
Karma: 482
^RIght on. Shatter the lies they wrap aound themselves to feel better at night.
Posts: 1386
Karma: -3
im straight edge, DRUG FREE is the way to be BITCHES
Posts: 10928
Karma: 36
I don't drink or smoke, but I fuck bitches. All the bitches. hahahaha kidding, but no, I don't do drugs or drink, I've been to too many parties that have gotten busted and if I had been drinking, I'd be a lifer.
Posts: 2529
Karma: 48
Posts: 5970
Karma: 21
i dont, and dont intend to.
Posts: 390
Karma: 10
Posts: 540
Karma: 12
sometimes havn fun means smokn and drinking sometimes it doesnt ... as long as your smart , dont od ... and stay away from the bad shit - burn one down ... ski
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