Hey people, this is corny I know, but i busted my ass last season and my mp3 player along with it, and now i'm in college paying $20,000/year and making less than 10% of that. I found this site that is legitimate (just visit
http://www.geek.com/news/geeknews/2004Aug/gee20040819026544.htm and read the review) and gives you a free Ipod. There are a number of things that you can get from them, but I'm going after the Ipod. What you do is:
1) Sign up using this link: Ipod -
Ipod shuffle -
2) Sign up correctly for any of the offers. I suggest the RealRhapsody thing. It's only $0.99, you get instant credit, and you can cancel at the end of the month.
That gets me my Ipod, but if you want your own you must refer 5 people (3 for Ipod shuffles) of your own (I suggest friends and family and call it a "Christmas Present") and have them sign up for an offer also. I know there are skeptics out there that say that you'll get junk mail and all that. They probably will try, but if you or you e-mail provider has a good junk-mail filter than you'll be fine (i havent had any problems yet.
I know this is lame to do, but we all know what it's like to ride without tunes if you're used to it. So help a fellow freerider out and quite possibly yourself. Thanks ahead of time!