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Lets hear why skiiers hate boarders
Posts: 442
Karma: 10
why do you skiiers hate boarders? just throwing it out there i really dont care what you put, but i want to know cuz some people hate us for no reason.
Posts: 3023
Karma: 21
i get annoyed when they sit above a jump and when they scrape all the snow of a run
Posts: 5166
Karma: 18
Posts: 4719
Karma: 20
yeah theere are just so many poser snowboarders who think they are hot shit and sit on runs and then when they try a jump just ruin the lip. I dont mind snowboarders that try shit and arent dicks for no reason.
Posts: 310
Karma: 10
and all of the scum-bag kids seem to snowboard
Posts: 12874
Karma: 3,460
i dont hate boarders. i hate certian people that may be an ass. if i meet a boarder that is cool, i got no problem wtih him, but if he is all like against skiing, then its just kinda like what the hell buddy
Posts: 14693
Karma: 786
and the snowboarders that think they r hott shit buy calling all the skiers fags
Posts: 7445
Karma: 90
word, and i usually ride with all snowboarders
Posts: 11349
Karma: 2,333
i dont hate them for ebing snowboarders ill hate them if theyre just dumb people same for skiers
Posts: 5062
Karma: 424
i ride with all snowboarders and yeah theres a reason for it.
Posts: 442
Karma: 10
yea thats the thing not all boarders do that. I board with my friends some ski some board but we dont sit infront of the jumps well i suppose we do but we sit where you have to go from to make it adn if someone destroys the lip we end up fixing it same with rails. even tho it isnt all boarders do you guys still hate on all the boarders out there?
Posts: 1325
Karma: 11
ok reasons y i hate borders,,, well They think they own the fucken park,, yet they all suck (maybe a few are good), and the skiers through down crazier shit then they do,, Borders sit at the top of the hill IN A STRAIGHT LINE so no one can get through,,, they think we rip off their style?,, yet skiing has been around for much longer than snowboarding,,, they say were pussies,, throw down better tricks then them,, and we risk having families by doing rails.... o man i could go on forever but it has to stop lol
Posts: 2617
Karma: 23
i dont hate boarders. i hate shit talkers.
for example those four or five guys at the shanhai six premier in boulder who were talking about how snowboarders have stupid names for grabs and how its stupid that they call dropping on cliffs. if you fuckers are here you need to get educated. without snowboarding we wouldnt have grabs. or rails or terrain parks. we wouldnt have style we wouldnt have rodeos. we wouldnt ski pipe we wouldnt go backwards. we would still be doind twisters instead of calling them shifties.
Posts: 442
Karma: 10
definately true got a story about alex doing a rainbow rail skis went straight nutted himself puked 3 times and was like extremly white after that and yea alot of boarders are assholes, i can be but it depends on how you act on me first cuz as i stand now at my resort im friends with all the skiiers taht ive met except one cuz hes one cocky kid
Posts: 11075
Karma: 82,508
I ride with boarders, there the shit man they do everything with sooo much style.
I do however hate the posers in the park thinking there hot shit for 50-50ing a 4 foot wide 8 foot long box.
Posts: 1991
Karma: 14
I respect the boarders that run through the park like its a slopestyle run. Sometimes its hard to tell which snowboarder is going when they are sitting down before a jump, but skiers sometimes do that too.
I don't have a problem with snowboarders, except the few knuckledraggers that are 12 years old and wear du rags and give people shit.
Posts: 442
Karma: 10
I kinda disagree cuz skiing has progressed ALOT farther than boarding has it might be that people start out at a younger age skiing than boarding but im sure skiing would have come up with grabs and all that cuz normal skiing is easier than normal boarding but tricks id go with skiing looks a hell of a lot more harder and it has more style i can boardslide and all that on rails with ease skis I did like one rail that was like maybe 5 feet long fell on my ass and never tried a rail again but now im riding my friends skis everynow and then and doing boxes hmmm I know it has something to do with unnatural and natural but is there something else i can do what ever its called on boxes tho
Posts: 5166
Karma: 18
yes we would people were skiing backwards for mad long
Posts: 8188
Karma: 38
i like the boarders who are passionate about it but i hate the ones that go once in a while and then are fucking assholes and have no respect for the mountain
Posts: 2617
Karma: 23
i think skiing just progressed faster cuz we had something to get ideas from. i get so much influence from the way boarders do shit all styley no matter how huge it is. of course i watch more skiing but i still like boarding.
i wanna say that my statement about going backwards is wrong though, cuz there was "ballet" like 30 years ago so that was like butters i guess.
Posts: 2617
Karma: 23
yeah i just fixed that. i wasnt thinking.
Posts: 442
Karma: 10
haha yea i went 87 times last season which was about everyday at our resort maybe open 110 days ... but wed stay after and fix up the park for lockins and i suppose im pretty deep into boarding as sendek would say "your not like super good at boarding but your really hardcore into the sport"
Posts: 2594
Karma: 20
dudes, fuck this. skiers are guilty of all of the same shit as boarders, it's just when a boarder does it, you say stupid shit about them. don't get me wrong, i get pissed too, but i don't get start knocking snowboarding. i talk shit on the individual, not their sport. the sport isn't the one guilty of whatever is pissing you off. fuck all this rivalry.
Posts: 8188
Karma: 38
i never said you werent h core but thats how i feel about boarders in general
Posts: 6672
Karma: 19
one time i was videoing my friend and a border came up behind me and punched me in the back for no reason
Posts: 442
Karma: 10
yea i just figured i had nothing else to type so i put that and if i got punched in the back by a boarder or a skiier that i didnt know i wouldve chased them down and beat them with a hockey stick haha not really just leads to another story with some skiiers we met wanting to kick the crap out of a boarder but then the boarder went and got his mom
Posts: 4755
Karma: 192
I have the utmost respect for snowboarders who are good or who are working on it. I hate the snowboarders who think they have special rights because they ride a snow board and talk shit on skiing. Those are the kids that give snowboarders a bad name.
Posts: 6672
Karma: 19
^ya i had my friends dad with me and hes huge so he did the chasing down and the border got kicked out of the park b/c he had been causing trouble all day
Posts: 354
Karma: 49
most boarders that i kick it with are chill, but all the snowboard posers at school think they are soo cool when they call skiiers gay, like when im walking down the hall wearing my "i am a skier" tee people yell like what does it say on the back... "i am a fag" ?? honestly i bet half those kids couldn't slide a rail to save their lives
Posts: 3197
Karma: 88
most of my friends snowboard. but its annoying when we go hit urbans with them cause they barely make jumps..
Posts: 910
Karma: 10
your god damn signature gets me everytime... god!!!!!! arrghhhhhhhh!!!!
Posts: 442
Karma: 10
yea alot o the kids in my school cant do rails i can do rails just im working on hte down flat kinks but jumps i suck i can only do like 360s haha so you can call me a poser if you want but im working on it this will be my 3rd year riding park so i might be considered horrible but maybe good
Posts: 354
Karma: 49
^ok so maybe i was extreme by saying a rail? im saying liek kids that go snowboarding maybe twice in the last 3 years? they think they are sooo pro cause they went on a school trip to some shit hill and can now hate
Posts: 3197
Karma: 88
holy crap. i'm going into my 3rd year of skiing, 2nd year of park i think and i've learned cork 3s, any rails, spins on and off, switch 5s and schtuff. maybe you should like work harder. no offense meant though, seriously.
Posts: 11349
Karma: 2,333
yeah theres those that think theyre better than you and then you ask them to like a trick off or something then they throw in well how do you judge a skier to a rider POSER!!!
Posts: 442
Karma: 10
no i totally agree wiht you alot of boarders couldnt bs a box to save their lives
Posts: 20239
Karma: 1,273
I like snowboarders but I can't stand it when the dumb girls do it just to be cool, and they scrape all the snow off the run and make it icy.
Also the ones that do a 720 off a jump, but they spin like 90 degrees before they even leave the ground and they go farther to the left or right then they do downhill or up. it makes the lip of the jump a huge curved rut, thus making it hard for skiers to hit it.
Posts: 2382
Karma: 10
snowboarders i hate: little poser kids who just sit at the top of the run and do crap all night but smoke and "be cool." snowboarders who hate skiers just because we are skiers and dont even look at the sick stuff we do.
snowboarders i like: my best friends who board, boarders who actually are cool and do stuff besides sit at the top, boarders who realize that skiing is cool as well.
Posts: 442
Karma: 10
where do you ride? that might be it cuz my park is pure ice all the time its like the worse park ever period the pipe actually looks like this\_/ no joke pure ice too. i can spin 180 on tops i can 270 off but that was only a few times at the very end of the year and my friends didnt really get into park until last year so i just rode with no one year before maybe went 15 times it was super gay
Posts: 3197
Karma: 88
yeah i ski at silver star and i travel around alot to whistler and stuff. my access to decent parks probably helps me out some.
Posts: 61780
Karma: 124,904
I don't hate boarders, i ski with boarders.
Posts: 442
Karma: 10
with the spin off the jump sometimes we have to carve into it cuz the boards are heavy and its no like we have poles to throw weight into it haha even tho i have used some poles in the air. and not going in the middle of the jump some times skiiers dig ruts into the lips to so we cant hit it where we want so thats why you need to get the lazy park manager to do their job or do it for them and then complain haha
Posts: 442
Karma: 10
yep im sure decent parks help but you still have to have the guts to try stuff im not to big on getting hurt ive gotten hurt to much already not like anything major tho i just hate stuff that it hurts so bad that you cant ride but then i get my friends skis after he leaves and then i film for a video were making/made
Posts: 2617
Karma: 23
bikers do 720s without carving and thats on a 30 pound piece of metal
Posts: 11256
Karma: 428
I can honestly say that I know more skiers that I have an intense hatred for that snowboarders, but that may be because I don't hang out with snowboarders. You're gonna find people that aren't cool in both groups, and people who are good as well. I will hold a grudge against snowboarders thought becasuse of one instance when I saw two kids get first tracks down a run on a 15" day and......they slid sideways down the whole run going about 20mph.
Posts: 7701
Karma: 535
i like em y do u seterotype me ass
Posts: 643
Karma: 52
i respect both skiing and snowboarding, when someone is a chill person and can throw some sick shit, its always awesome to see on the hill.....but then theres all those fucking losers like most of you have mentioned who scream shit from the chairs thinking they are tough shit or whatever kinda impression they are gettnig of themselves(that goes for both skiers and boarders).....and just dicks in general, but i snowboard with skiers and snowboarders and we all get along.
Posts: 5117
Karma: 65
mostly when i hear the scraping sound when snowboarders who suck do that all the way down the mountain. and snowboarders who think skiing is dumb even if they are horrible at snowboarding and think skiing is just like racing and stuff
Posts: 3748
Karma: 36
some snowboaders are fucking ill. They have the sickest style and they can make every rail slide look extremely fuckin steezy. only make fun of snowboarders who suck my ass at boarding and wear clip ins.
Posts: 7121
Karma: 15
My college thesis: Why I hate boarders...
Like overly large sunglasses, and Ugg boats on college bithces, snowboarding is a fad, at my mountain, every low income middle schooler fag takes up snowboarding, keep in mind I live in a metopolitan area, so there is about 300,000 of these asswipes. And they only go snowboarding about twice a year, now multiply that, and you get a bunch of luke warm snow sport entusiast on a 1,000 acre mountain, and what do you get?? ONE FUCKING CROWDED MOUNTAIN WITH A LOT OF ASSBAGS. Not to mention, that NONE of these people really master their sport, which mean that they are slipping and slidding and falling everywhere, making huge bombholes and skid marks in ANY fresh powder that happens to fall.
Posts: 7388
Karma: 79
i can th8 snowboarders i have mad respect for them untill the they give me a reason not to give then respect same goes for some skiers
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