First of all, this will probably be a long message so bare with me.
Where the hell is this world going, lately I can't even show a bit of respect to any authority figure out there, teachers, principles, cops, even bus drivers.
Just the other day a couple of my friends grabbed a kid and duct taped him to a flagpole, it wasn't much of a big deal, they even let the kid go after they did it, funny for a bit, no big deal. Well they fucked with the wrong kid, he went to the office crying to the principle, then to his parents, his parents called the cops and the three people that taped the kid to the flagpole all got charged with assault and have restraining orders put on them so that they can't go near the kid, near the school or near each other. They are also suspended for 21 days from school so there semester is pretty much fucked. How could something so little turn into something so big, this wasn't a case of bullying I don't think because the kid that got taped doesn't get bothered all the time or anything, but it just turns out he's a major pussy.
now a few of my good friends all have their futures in jeapordy, they might not be able to get the job they want because of an assualt charge, they might not get into the school they want or anything like that. And to make matters worse, all three of my friends that taped the kid were cuffed and thrown in the back of a cop car in front of the entire school.
It pisses me off to see something like this happen, my friends had clean records never did anything that bad, they aren't bullies, they don't break the law and for the most part follow the rules. And now they have an assault charge under their belt.
It pisses me off that police need to get involved in something like this, when it could easily be settled in the school, and when the police do come in, it doesn't solve the problem, it just makes more problems, now this incident is gonna be on the radio in the newspaper maybe even on local television news. What fucking bullshit.
Pro Am It's all about the East.