There are not of a lot of well educated people talking here. Although I don't agree in hardly anyways what c_lo is saying, he backs up what he is saying the best, and is probably the most educated.
Anyone who says Capitalism is supremely good, and does not exploit anyone is dead wrong. Capitalism has created many problems for the 3rd, pushing them further into poverty, and does nothing to help get it out. These problems arise from the way the IMF and other organizations are set up. They pretty much give money to the government hoping that they will do the right thing. And they won't. The governments in power in Africa and south east Asia are on the whole, corrupt dictorships or oligarchies. They pocket the money, don't create industry to spur the economy and pay back the loans, and the country plunges further down. The only way to change this is through education and active participation by other governments, or organizations such as the UN. The main reason this doesn't happen is because it doesn't serve the interests of nations like the US.
Socialist Democracies are definetely not the answer either. Look at British Columbia, we had the NDP government in for 9 or so years, and they have set back our economy for at least 10-15 years. Canada as well. We may not have big problems now, but if Canada doesn't change its gonna be in huge shit economically. There are reasons why the US has risen to prominence, and countries like Canada, France, Sweden, and even Britain have not. These countries socialist policies have not allowed them to progress as far as the US(I know a lot of the reason why the US is where it is, is because of its position during and after WWII, but look at Japan and Germany).
c_lo is completely right when he says Capitalism exploits minorities, and especially other countries. But until these countries become Capitalist themselves, this will continue. Obviously this will be hard to do, with American multi-national countries continuously trying to exploit them, but it is only a matter of time before this happens.
Capitalism doesn't work perfectly. But guess what, nothing does. Especially socialism or communism. Believe it or not, not everyone can be equal. It is in Human Nature that some people will be better off than others, you can't be completely equal, because someone will always find something to complain about. The socialist system breaks down because the poor slowly refuse to work and pick up welfare, draining the economy. Welfare is not wrong, but there are huge problems with it. It should be a way to get you restarted, not something that people depend on. I'm afraid that no matter how perfect the world might become, people will always be exploited. But, if the entire world was capitalist, everyone would be exploited equally. Give the whole minorities/women etc. thing time, it will work itself out. It might be a while, but change like that can't happen overnight.
c_lo I welcome you to rip me apart, I will enjoy showing how I am more right than you are.
'Whoever designed the streets must have been drunk... I think it was those Irish Guys.'
- Jesse Ventura, Minnesota Governor