I just picked up the October issue of Freeskier.
So far so good but I what excited me the most was to see a profile on Mark Abma. The guy is a great skier and after reading the article, I respect him even more.
He's also from Langley, BC, my hometown and for all of those reasons I'll buy any movie he's in.
For some reason I just felt the need to create one of these pointless 'props' threads for Mark.
Kudos to Mark for all of the hard work that has gotten him to a place we all wish we were, the top of the skiing world.
My name is Cliff, brother of Joe. I got me some crack. I want me some hoes!
Go big or go home.
You're Rachel, right? Yeah how'd you know? Oh, the facebook.. Oh you memorized the facebook! No my friend was jack..lacking