what's it like?
Is it fun?
Is it expensive?
Who does it?
Who doesn't do it?
Why do you do it?
Why don't u do it?
Where can i find the best stuff?
Where can i find the worst stuff?
How can i tell the difference b/ween pot and aregano?
How can i tell the difference b/ween pot and tea leaves?
What is your prefered method of smoking?
How much is too much?
Whats the minimum amount that it takes to get high?
Does anyone grow it?
Does it affect your memory?
Does it affect your vision?
Does it affect the size of your penis?
Does it give you cancer?
Is it the best narcotic, or are there better ones?
Have you ever gotten burned?
Have you ever gotten caught?
Does it make you super focused?
Does it give you add?
Can u eat it?
Can you snort it?
Is hemp neclaces made out of pot?
What happens if u get caught?
Does anyone do it with their parents?
Does anyone do it with their friends?
Does anyone do it before having sex?
Does anyone do it before school?
Does anyone do it before work?
Does anyone sell the stuff?
Is that risky also?
how do you hide it?
Where do u hide it?
Where do u hide your parafenalia?
Do your rents know u do it?
What are pot brownies?
Are they tastey?
Has anyone had them?
What are some "in" slang terms for marijuana/pot?
What are some "not in" slang terms for marijuana/pot?
Where did the term 420 originate?
Does anyone use that term?
What state would you consider "the pot state"?
What state would you not consider "the pot state"?
Is Canada's shit really better than America?
Is America's shit really better than Canada?
What's the biggest bong in the world?
What's the smallest bong in the world?
If I were to buy a bong, how big should it be?
Anyone wanna teach me how?
Anyone not wanna teach me how?
Should i do it when i do my homework?
Should i do it b4 a baseball game?
Should I do it b4 a soccer game?
Should i do it while on ns?
should i do it while in school?
Those are just some questions that i have... thanks for your time!!! (answers would be good too)